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Duluth Search Results

Term: Spring 2025
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193 matching programs found for the Undergraduate career.
54 matching programs found for the Graduate career.

 A red bullet next to the program name indicates that the program has been discontinued or revised. Program requirements are applicable only to current students in the program. Check the discontinued program for more details.

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Undergraduate Programs
  Program Title College(s) Field of Study Program Type
Accounting B.Acc. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Accounting Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Undergraduate minor related to major
Aerospace Studies Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate free-standing minor
African and African American Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Undergraduate free-standing minor
American Indian Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
American Indian Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Undergraduate minor related to major
Anthropology B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Anthropology Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Art B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Art Education K-12 B.F.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Art History B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Art History Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Art Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Undergraduate minor related to major
Arts Administration B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Arts in Media Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Undergraduate free-standing minor
Astronomy Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Undergraduate free-standing minor
Biochemical Engineering Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate free-standing minor
Biochemistry B.A. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Biochemistry B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Biology B.A. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Biology B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Biology Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate minor related to major
Biomedical Sciences B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Business Administration Certificate Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Undergraduate credit certificate
Business Administration Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Undergraduate free-standing minor
Business Analytics B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Business Analytics Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Undergraduate minor related to major
Chemical Engineering B.S.Ch.E. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Chemistry B.A. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Chemistry B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Chemistry Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate minor related to major
Childhood Nature Studies B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Chinese Area Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
Chinese Area Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Civil Engineering B.S.C.E. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Coaching Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Undergraduate free-standing minor
Cognitive Science B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Cognitive Science Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Undergraduate minor related to major
Communication B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
Communication Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Communication Sciences and Disorders B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Health Services Baccalaureate
Computer Engineering Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate minor related to major
Computer Science B.A. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Computer Science B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Computer Science Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate minor related to major
Consumer Insights and Analytics B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Consumer Insights and Analytics Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Undergraduate minor related to major
Creative Writing Certificate College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Undergraduate credit certificate
Criminology B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Cultural Entrepreneurship B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
Dance Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Undergraduate free-standing minor
Deaf Studies Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Undergraduate free-standing minor
Developmental/Adapted Physical Education Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Undergraduate minor related to major
Digital Writing, Literature and Design Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Undergraduate free-standing minor
Early Childhood Studies B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Early Childhood Studies Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Undergraduate free-standing minor
Earth and Environmental Science B.A. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Earth and Environmental Science B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Economics B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Economics B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Economics Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Undergraduate minor related to major
Education Studies B.A. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Educational Computing and Technology Certificate College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Undergraduate credit certificate
Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Electrical Engineering Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Undergraduate minor related to major
Energy Engineering Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Undergraduate free-standing minor
Engineering Physics B S E P Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
English B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
English Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Entrepreneurship B.B.A Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Entrepreneurship Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Undergraduate minor related to major
Environment, Sustainability & Geography B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Environment, Sustainability & Geography Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Undergraduate minor related to major
Environmental and Outdoor Education B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Environmental and Outdoor Education Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Undergraduate minor related to major
Environmental Engineering Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate free-standing minor
Environmental Science B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Environmental Science Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate minor related to major
Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Film Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate free-standing minor
Finance B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Finance Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Undergraduate minor related to major
Financial Markets Finance B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Financial Markets Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Undergraduate minor related to major
Financial Planning B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Financial Planning Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Undergraduate minor related to major
French Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
French Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Geographic Information Science B.S. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Geographic Information Science Certificate College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Undergraduate credit certificate
Geographic Information Science Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Undergraduate minor related to major
Geological Sciences B.A. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Geological Sciences B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Geological Sciences Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate minor related to major
German Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
German Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Undergraduate minor related to major
Graphic Design B.F.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Health and Physical Education B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Health and Wellness Coaching Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Social Sciences and Human Services Undergraduate free-standing minor
Health Care Management B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Health Care Management Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Undergraduate minor related to major
Hispanic Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
Hispanic Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
History B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
History Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Undergraduate minor related to major
Human Resource Management B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Human Resource Management Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Undergraduate minor related to major
Individualized Integrated B.I.S. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Industrial Engineering B.S.I.E. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Integrated Elementary and Special Education B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Interdisciplinary Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Individually Designed Majors Baccalaureate
International Business Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Undergraduate free-standing minor
International Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
International Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Jazz Studies B.Mus. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Jazz Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Undergraduate minor related to major
Journalism B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
Journalism Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Latin American Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
Latin American Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Undergraduate minor related to major
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate free-standing minor
Linguistics B.S. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
Linguistics Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate free-standing minor
Management B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Management Information Systems B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Management Information Systems Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Undergraduate minor related to major
Management Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Undergraduate minor related to major
Marketing Analytics B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Marketing Analytics Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Undergraduate minor related to major
Marketing and Graphic Design B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Marketing B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Marketing Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Undergraduate minor related to major
Materials Science and Engineering Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Undergraduate free-standing minor
Mathematics B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Mathematics Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Undergraduate minor related to major
Mechanical Engineering B.S.M.E. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Museum Studies Certificate College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Undergraduate credit certificate
Music B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Music Education B.Mus. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Music Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Undergraduate minor related to major
Natural History Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate free-standing minor
Performance B.Mus. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Philosophy B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Philosophy Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Photography Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Undergraduate free-standing minor
Physical Education B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Physical Education-Outdoor Education Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Undergraduate minor related to major
Physics B.A. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Physics B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Physics Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Undergraduate minor related to major
Political Science B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Political Science Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Professional Sales B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Professional Writing Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Undergraduate free-standing minor
Project Management Certificate Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Undergraduate credit certificate
Psychology B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Psychology Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Social Sciences and Human Services Undergraduate minor related to major
Public Health B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Public Health Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Undergraduate minor related to major
Quality Science Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Undergraduate free-standing minor
Resilient Precast Concrete Certificate Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Undergraduate credit certificate
Risk Management and Insurance B.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Baccalaureate
Social Work B.S.W. College of Education and Human Service Professions Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Sociology B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Sociology Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Undergraduate minor related to major
Spanish Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
Spanish Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Undergraduate minor related to major
Special Education Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Undergraduate free-standing minor
Statistics and Actuarial Science B.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Baccalaureate
Statistics Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Undergraduate minor related to major
Studio Art B.F.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Sustainable Business and Organization Minor Labovitz School of Business and Economics Business Undergraduate free-standing minor
Teaching Communication Arts and Literature B.A.A. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Teaching Earth and Space Science B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certificate College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Undergraduate credit certificate
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Multilingual Education Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Undergraduate free-standing minor
Teaching French B.A.A. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Teaching German B.A.A. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Teaching Life Science B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Teaching Mathematics B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Teaching Physical Science B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Teaching Social Studies B.A.A. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Teaching Spanish B.A.A. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Theatre B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Theatre B.F.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Theatre Design and Production Certificate College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Undergraduate credit certificate
Theatre Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Undergraduate minor related to major
Theory and Composition B.Mus. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Art, Design, and the Performing Arts Baccalaureate
Tribal Administration & Governance B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Unified Early Childhood Studies B.A.Sc. College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Baccalaureate
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Baccalaureate
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Undergraduate minor related to major
Writing Studies B.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Baccalaureate
Graduate Programs
  Program Title College(s) Field of Study Program Type
American Indian Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Graduate free-standing minor
Applied Materials Science M.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Master's
Biomedical Sciences M.S. Medical School - Duluth Campus Health Services Master's
Business Administration M.B.A. Labovitz School of Business and Economics Master's
Chemical Engineering M.S.Ch.E Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Master's
Chemistry M.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Master's
Chemistry Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Graduate minor related to major
Civil Engineering M.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Master's
Communication Sciences and Disorders M.A. College of Education and Human Service Professions Master's
Community College Teaching Postbaccalaureate Certificate College of Education and Human Service Professions Education Post-baccalaureate credit certificate/licensure/endorsement
Computer Science M.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Master's
Computer Science Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Graduate minor related to major
Earth Sciences M.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Master's
Earth Sciences Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Graduate minor related to major
Education M.Ed. College of Education and Human Service Professions Master's
Educational Computing and Technology Postbaccalaureate Certificate College of Education and Human Service Professions Post-baccalaureate credit certificate/licensure/endorsement
Electrical Engineering M.S.E.E. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Master's
Electrical Engineering Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Graduate minor related to major
English M.A. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Master's
English Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate minor related to major
Environmental Education M.E.Ed. College of Education and Human Service Professions Master's
Environmental Education Postbaccalaureate Certificate College of Education and Human Service Professions Post-baccalaureate credit certificate/licensure/endorsement
Environmental Health and Safety M.Env.Hlth.Sa. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Master's
Geographical Information Science Post-baccalaureate Certificate College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Post-baccalaureate credit certificate/licensure/endorsement
Geological Sciences M.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Master's
Geological Sciences Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Graduate minor related to major
Indigenous Environmental Systems and Economics Postbaccalaureate Certificate College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Post-baccalaureate credit certificate/licensure/endorsement
Integrated Biosciences MINOR Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Graduate minor related to major
Integrated Biosciences M.S Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Master's
Integrated Biosciences Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Graduate minor related to major
Integrated Biosciences Ph.D. University of Minnesota Duluth Doctorate
Liberal Studies Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate minor related to major
Linguistics Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate free-standing minor
Master of Engineering M.Eng. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Master's
Mathematical Sciences M.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Master's
Mathematical Sciences Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Graduate minor related to major
Mechanical Engineering M.S.M.E. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Math, Engineering, and Science Master's
Music M.M. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Master's
Music Minor College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate minor related to major
Physics M.S. Swenson College of Science and Engineering Master's
Physics Minor Swenson College of Science and Engineering Graduate minor related to major
Professional Studies in Multidisciplinary Research & Creativity M.P.S. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Languages, and Cultural Studies Master's
Psychological Science M.A. College of Education and Human Service Professions Social Sciences and Human Services Master's
Social Work M.S.W. College of Education and Human Service Professions Master's
Social Work Minor College of Education and Human Service Professions Graduate minor related to major
Teaching and Learning Ed.D. College of Education and Human Service Professions Doctorate
Tribal Administration and Governance M.T.A.G. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Master's
Tribal Administration and Leadership Postbaccalaureate Certificate College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Post-baccalaureate credit certificate/licensure/endorsement
Tribal Natural Resource Stewardship, Economics, and Law Postbaccalaureate Certificate College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Post-baccalaureate credit certificate/licensure/endorsement
Tribal Resource and Environmental Stewardship M.T.R.E.S. College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Master's
Tribal Sovereignty and Federal Indian Law Postbaccalaureate Certificate College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Social Sciences and Human Services Post-baccalaureate credit certificate/licensure/endorsement
Water Resources Science M.S. University of Minnesota Duluth Master's
Water Resources Science Minor University of Minnesota Duluth Graduate minor related to major
Water Resources Science Ph.D. University of Minnesota Duluth Doctorate
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