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Twin Cities Campus

Biomedical Engineering M.S.

Department of Biomedical Engineering
College of Science and Engineering
Link to a list of faculty for this program.
Contact Information
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, 7-105 Nils Hasselmo Hall, 312 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612-624-8396; fax 612-626-6583)
  • Program Type: Master's
  • Requirements for this program are current for Spring 2023
  • Length of program in credits: 30
  • This program does not require summer semesters for timely completion.
  • Degree: Master of Science
Along with the program-specific requirements listed below, please read the General Information section of this website for requirements that apply to all major fields.
Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and methods to problems in biology and medicine. The discipline includes the study of fundamental processes in biology and physiology, the study of the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury, and the design and development of medical devices and techniques. Students take courses in mathematics, biology, biomedical engineering, and areas of science and engineering that are relevant to the degree objectives.
Program Delivery
  • via classroom (the majority of instruction is face-to-face)
  • partially online (between 50% to 80% of instruction is online)
Prerequisites for Admission
The preferred undergraduate GPA for admittance to the program is 3.20.
A baccalaureate degree in engineering or in a physical or biological science is required.
Other requirements to be completed before admission:
Applicants with an engineering degree do not need to complete any specific coursework prior to applying. Applicants without an engineering degree must complete: * math coursework through calculus I, calculus II, and differential equations; and *at least 1 year of college-level physics, preferably calculus-based.
Special Application Requirements:
The application deadline is March 31 for the following fall semester. Admission is for fall semester only.
International applicants must submit score(s) from one of the following tests:
The preferred English language test is Test of English as Foreign Language.
Key to test abbreviations (TOEFL, IELTS).
For an online application or for more information about graduate education admissions, see the General Information section of this website.
Program Requirements
Plan A: Plan A requires 20 major credits, 0 credits outside the major, and 10 thesis credits. The final exam is oral.
Plan B: Plan B requires 30 major credits and 0 credits outside the major. The final exam is oral. A capstone project is required.
Capstone Project:The Plan B project comprises BMEN 8820 (2 credits), completed in collaboration with the advisor.
Plan C: Plan C requires 30 major credits and 0 credits outside the major. There is no final exam.
This program may be completed with a minor.
Use of 4xxx courses toward program requirements is permitted under certain conditions with adviser approval.
A minimum GPA of 2.80 is required for students to remain in good standing.
Coursework offered on both the A-F and S/N grading basis must be taken A-F, with a minimum grade of B- earned for each course. A single course may NOT be counted simultaneously toward more than one of the requirements listed below. Use of one 4xxx course toward program requirements is permitted under certain conditions with director of graduate studies approval. At least 3 credits selected to satisfy the Biomedical Engineering Courses, Technical Electives, and/or Free Electives requirement must be designated as math- or statistics-intensive. Plan A and Plan B students must complete at least 3 8xxx-level course credits selected in consultation with the advisor. Options exclude seminars, directed research, project, thesis, and independent study registrations.
Biomedical Engineering Courses (6 credits)
Select 6 credits from the following in consultation with the advisor:
BMEN 5001 - Advanced Biomaterials (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5101 - Advanced Bioelectricity and Instrumentation (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5201 - Advanced Biomechanics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5311 - Advanced Biomedical Transport Processes (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5351 - Cell Engineering (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5401 - Advanced Biomedical Imaging (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8001 - Polymeric Biomaterials (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8041 - Advanced Tissue Engineering Lab (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8101 - Biomedical Digital Signal Processing (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8151 - Biomedical Electronics and Implantable Microsystems (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8201 - Advanced Tissue Mechanics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8381 - Bioheat and Mass Transfer (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8421 - Biophotonics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8431 - Controlled Drug and Gene Delivery: Materials, Mechanisms, and Models (4.0 cr)
BMEN 8501 - Dynamical Systems in Biology (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8502 - Physiological Control Systems (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8511 - Systems and Synthetic Biology (3.0 cr)
Biomedical Engineering Seminars (2 credits)
Take 2 credits, in any combination, in consultation with the advisor:
BMEN 8601 - Biomedical Engineering Seminar (1.0 cr)
BMEN 8602 - Biomedical Engineering Seminar (1.0 cr)
Biology Electives (6 credits)
Select electives from the following in consultation with the advisor. Other courses may be chosen with advisor and director of graduate studies approval.
BIOC 5216 - Current Topics in Signal Transduction (2.0 cr)
BIOC 5361 - Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics (3.0 cr)
BIOC 5444 - Muscle (3.0 cr)
BIOC 6021 - Biochemistry (3.0 cr)
BIOC 8002 - Molecular Biology and Regulation of Biological Processes (3.0 cr)
BIOC 8216 - Signal Transduction and Gene Expression (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5031 - Engineering Extracellular Matrices (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5501 - Biology for Biomedical Engineers (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5701 - Cancer Bioengineering (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8041 - Advanced Tissue Engineering Lab (3.0 cr)
CGSC 8041 - Cognitive Neuroscience (4.0 cr)
CPMS 5101 - Introduction to Clinical Physiology and Movement Science (3.0 cr)
EEB 5371 - Principles of Systematics (3.0 cr)
GCD 5036 - Molecular Cell Biology (3.0 cr)
GCD 8008 - Mammalian Gene Transfer and Genome Engineering (2.0 cr)
GCD 8103 - Human Histology (5.0 cr)
GCD 8131 - Advanced Molecular Genetics and Genomics (3.0 cr)
GCD 8151 - Cellular Biochemistry and Cell Biology (2.0-4.0 cr)
GCD 8161 - Advanced Cell Biology and Development (2.0 cr)
MEDC 5245 - Introduction to Drug Design (3.0 cr)
MEDC 8002 - General Principles of Medicinal Chemistry (3.0 cr)
MEDC 8461 - Design of Cancer Therapeutics (3.0 cr)
MEDC 8760 - Design of Peptidomimetics (2.0 cr)
MICA 8002 - Structure, Function, and Genetics of Bacteria and Viruses (4.0 cr)
MICA 8003 - Immunity and Immunopathology (4.0 cr)
MICA 8004 - Cellular and Cancer Biology (4.0 cr)
MICA 8009 - Biochemical Aspects of Normal and Abnormal Cell Growth and Cell Death (2.0 cr)
MLSP 5111 - Concepts of Diagnostic Microbiology (3.0 cr)
MLSP 5511 - Principles of Immunobiology (3.0 cr)
MPHY 5172 - Radiation Biology (3.0 cr)
NEUR 5230 - Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics and Diseases I (4.0 cr)
NSC 5461 - Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (3.0 cr)
NSC 5462 - Neuroscience Principles of Drug Abuse (2.0 cr)
NSC 5540 - Survey of Biomedical Neuroscience (2.0 cr)
NSC 5561 - Systems Neuroscience (4.0 cr)
NSC 5661 - Behavioral Neuroscience (2.0 cr)
NSC 8208 - Neuropsychopharmacology (3.0 cr)
NSC 8211 - Developmental Neurobiology (2.0-4.0 cr)
NSC 8221 - Neurobiology of Pain and Analgesia (3.0 cr)
NSCI 5101 - Neurobiology I: Molecules, Cells, and Systems (3.0 cr)
OBIO 8012 - Basic Concepts in Skeletal Biology (2.0 cr)
OBIO 8028 - Molecular Basis of Cellular and Microbial Adhesion (2.0 cr)
PHAR 5700 - Applied Fundamentals of Pharmacotherapy (3.0 cr)
PHSL 5061 - Principles of Physiology for Biomedical Engineering (4.0 cr)
PHSL 5115 - Clinical Physiology I (3.0 cr)
PHSL 5116 - Clinical Physiology II (3.0 cr)
PHSL 5444 - Muscle (3.0 cr)
PHSL 5510 - Advanced Cardiac Physiology and Anatomy (2.0-3.0 cr)
PHSL 5525 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Pelvis and Urinary System (1.0-2.0 cr)
PSY 5015 - Cognition, Computation, and Brain (3.0 cr)
PSY 5062 - Cognitive Neuropsychology (3.0 cr)
PSY 8041 - Proseminar in Perception (3.0 cr)
RSC 5200 - Introduction to Neuromodulation (1.0-3.0 cr)
RSC 5231 - Clinical Biomechanics (2.0-5.0 cr)
RSC 5281 - Physiology for Physical Rehabilitation (2.0-4.0 cr)
RSC 5402 - The Shoulder in Sports Rehabilitation Science (3.0 cr)
RSC 8282 - Problems in Human Movement (4.0 cr)
SCB 8181 - Stem Cell Biology (3.0 cr)
SLHS 5605 - Language and Cognitive Disorders in Adults (3.0 cr)
SLHS 5802 - Hearing Aids I (3.0 cr)
SLHS 5806 - Auditory Disorders in Children (3.0 cr)
SLHS 8802 - Hearing Aids II (3.0 cr)
Technical Electives (6 to 9 credits)
Plan A students select at least 6 credits, and Plan B and Plan C students select at least 9 credits from the following in consultation with the advisor. Other courses may be chosen with advisor and director of graduate studies approval.
AEM 5401 - Intermediate Dynamics (3.0 cr)
AEM 5451 - Optimal Estimation (3.0 cr)
AEM 5501 - Continuum Mechanics (3.0 cr)
AEM 5503 - Theory of Elasticity (3.0 cr)
AEM 8233 - Multi-phase Flows: Fundamentals, Measurement, and Modeling (3.0 cr)
AEM 8511 - Advanced Topics in Continuum Mechanics (3.0 cr)
AEM 8531 - Fracture Mechanics (3.0 cr)
BBE 5301 - Applied Surface and Colloid Science (3.0 cr)
BIOC 5351 - Protein Engineering (3.0 cr)
BIOC 5352 - Biotechnology and Bioengineering for Biochemists (3.0 cr)
BIOC 5528 - Spectroscopy and Kinetics (4.0 cr)
BIOC 8005 - Biochemistry: Structure and Catalysis (2.0 cr)
BMEN 5001 - Advanced Biomaterials (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5041 - Tissue Engineering (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5101 - Advanced Bioelectricity and Instrumentation (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5111 - Biomedical Ultrasound (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5151 - Introduction to BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices (2.0 cr)
BMEN 5201 - Advanced Biomechanics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5311 - Advanced Biomedical Transport Processes (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5321 - Microfluidics in Biology and Medicine (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5351 - Cell Engineering (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5361 - 3D Bioprinting (2.0 cr)
BMEN 5401 - Advanced Biomedical Imaging (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5411 - Neural Engineering (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5412 - Neuromodulation (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5413 - Neural Decoding and Interfacing (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5421 - Introduction to Biomedical Optics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5601 - Cardiovascular Devices (1.0 cr)
BMEN 5910 - Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8001 - Polymeric Biomaterials (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8101 - Biomedical Digital Signal Processing (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8151 - Biomedical Electronics and Implantable Microsystems (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8201 - Advanced Tissue Mechanics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8381 - Bioheat and Mass Transfer (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8401 - New Product Design and Business Development (4.0 cr)
BMEN 8421 - Biophotonics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8431 - Controlled Drug and Gene Delivery: Materials, Mechanisms, and Models (4.0 cr)
BMEN 8501 - Dynamical Systems in Biology (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8502 - Physiological Control Systems (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8511 - Systems and Synthetic Biology (3.0 cr)
CEGE 8401 - Fundamentals of Finite Element Method (3.0 cr)
CHEM 8021 - Computational Chemistry (4.0 cr)
CHEM 8157 - Bioanalytical Chemistry (4.0 cr)
CHEM 8411 - Introduction to Chemical Biology (4.0 cr)
CHEN 5751 - Biochemical Engineering (3.0 cr)
CHEN 8101 - Fluid Mechanics (3.0 cr)
CHEN 8201 - Applied Math (3.0 cr)
CHEN 8221 - Synthetic Polymer Chemistry (4.0 cr)
CHEN 8301 - Physical Rate Processes I: Transport (3.0 cr)
CHEN 8402 - Statistical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (3.0 cr)
CHEN 8754 - Systems Analysis of Biological Processes (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5103 - Operating Systems (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5211 - Data Communications and Computer Networks (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5421 - Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5451 - Introduction to Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms, and Programming (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5511 - Artificial Intelligence I (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5521 - Machine Learning Fundamentals (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5523 - Introduction to Data Mining (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5525 - Machine Learning: Analysis and Methods (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5551 - Introduction to Intelligent Robotic Systems (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5707 - Principles of Database Systems (3.0 cr)
EE 5141 - Introduction to Microsystem Technology (4.0 cr)
EE 5171 - Microelectronic Fabrication (3.0 cr)
EE 5251 - Optimal Filtering and Estimation (3.0 cr)
EE 5323 - VLSI Design I (3.0 cr)
EE 5333 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design (3.0 cr)
EE 5393 - Circuits, Computation, and Biology (3.0 cr)
EE 5531 - Probability and Stochastic Processes (3.0 cr)
EE 5542 - Adaptive Digital Signal Processing (3.0 cr)
EE 5545 - Digital Signal Processing Design (3.0 cr)
EE 5561 - Image Processing and Applications: From linear filters to artificial intelligence (3.0 cr)
EE 5601 - Introduction to RF/Microwave Engineering (3.0 cr)
EE 5621 - Physical Optics (3.0 cr)
EE 8591 - Predictive Learning from Data (3.0 cr)
EE 8601 - Advanced Electromagnetic Theory (3.0 cr)
HINF 5430 - Foundations of Health Informatics I (3.0 cr)
HINF 5431 - Foundations of Health Informatics II (3.0 cr)
HUMF 5001 - Foundations of Human Factors/Ergonomics (3.0 cr)
HUMF 5211 - Human Factors and Work Analysis (4.0 cr)
IE 5111 - Systems Engineering I (2.0 cr)
IE 5113 - Systems Engineering II (4.0 cr)
IE 5511 - Human Factors and Work Analysis (4.0 cr)
IE 5522 - Quality Engineering and Reliability (4.0 cr)
IE 5541 - Project Management (4.0 cr)
IE 5545 - Decision Analysis (4.0 cr)
IE 5553 - Simulation (4.0 cr)
KIN 5001 - Foundations of Human Factors/Ergonomics (3.0 cr)
KIN 5643 - Applied Motion Capture and Movement Analysis Technology (3.0 cr)
MATH 5248 - Cryptology and Number Theory (4.0 cr)
MATH 5445 - Mathematical Analysis of Biological Networks (4.0 cr)
MATH 5447 - Theoretical Neuroscience (4.0 cr)
MATH 5587 - Elementary Partial Differential Equations I (4.0 cr)
MATH 5651 - Basic Theory of Probability and Statistics (4.0 cr)
MATH 5652 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes (4.0 cr)
MATH 8202 - General Algebra (3.0 cr)
MATH 8253 - Algebraic Geometry (3.0 cr)
MATS 8001 - Structure and Symmetry of Materials (3.0 cr)
MATS 8002 - Thermodynamics and Kinetics (3.0 cr)
MATS 8003 - Electronic Properties (3.0 cr)
ME 5228 - Introduction to Finite Element Modeling, Analysis, and Design (4.0 cr)
ME 5241 - Computer-Aided Engineering (4.0 cr)
ME 5243 - Advanced Mechanism Design (4.0 cr)
ME 5247 - Applied Stress Analysis (4.0 cr)
ME 5281 - Feedback Control Systems (4.0 cr)
ME 5286 - Robotics (4.0 cr)
ME 5341 - Case Studies in Thermal Engineering and Design (4.0 cr)
ME 5351 - Computational Heat Transfer (4.0 cr)
ME 8254 - Fundamentals of Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) (4.0 cr)
ME 8341 - Conduction (3.0 cr)
ME 8342 - Convection (3.0 cr)
ME 8343 - Radiation (3.0 cr)
ME 8345 - Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (3.0 cr)
MPHY 5170 - Radiation Therapy Physics I (3.0 cr)
MPHY 5171 - Medical and Health Physics of Imaging I (3.0 cr)
MPHY 5174 - Medical and Health Physics of Imaging II (3.0 cr)
MPHY 5178 - Physical Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3.0 cr)
MPHY 8147 - Advanced Physics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (3.0 cr)
NSC 5202 - Theoretical Neuroscience: Systems and Information Processing (3.0 cr)
OBIO 8027 - Biomaterials in Regenerative Dentistry (2.0 cr)
PDES 5704 - Computer-Aided Design Methods (3.0 cr)
PHM 8431 - Controlled Drug and Gene Delivery: Materials, Mechanisms, and Models (4.0 cr)
PHYS 5081 - Introduction to Biopolymer Physics (3.0 cr)
PSY 5038W - Introduction to Neural Networks [WI] (3.0 cr)
PSY 5065 - Functional Imaging: Hands-on Training (3.0 cr)
PUBH 6450 - Biostatistics I (4.0 cr)
PUBH 6451 - Biostatistics II (4.0 cr)
PUBH 7440 - Introduction to Bayesian Analysis (3.0 cr)
PUBH 7475 - Statistical Learning and Data Mining (3.0 cr)
RSC 5135 - Advanced Biomechanics I: Kinematics (3.0 cr)
RSC 5235 - Advanced Biomechanics II: Kinetics (3.0 cr)
RSC 5841 - Applied Data Acquisition and Processing (3.0 cr)
RSC 8135 - Human Kinematics (3.0 cr)
RSC 8235 - Human Kinetics (3.0 cr)
STAT 5021 - Statistical Analysis (4.0 cr)
STAT 5101 - Theory of Statistics I (4.0 cr)
STAT 5102 - Theory of Statistics II (4.0 cr)
STAT 5302 - Applied Regression Analysis (4.0 cr)
Free Electives (0-7 credits)
Plan B students select at least 5 credits, and Plan C students select at least 7 credits from the following to complete minimum credit requirements. Other courses may be applied with advisor and director of graduate studies approval. Plan A students are exempt from this requirement.
BMEN 8402 - New Product Design and Business Development (4.0 cr)
BTHX 5100 - Introduction to Clinical Ethics (3.0 cr)
BTHX 5120 - Dying in Contemporary Medical Culture (2.0 cr)
BTHX 5210 - Ethics of Human Subjects Research (3.0 cr)
BTHX 5300 - Foundations of Bioethics (3.0 cr)
BTHX 5325 - Biomedical Ethics (3.0 cr)
BTHX 5650 - Disability Ethics (3.0 cr)
BTHX 8120 - Dying in Contemporary Medical Culture (2.0 cr)
BTHX 8610 - Medical Consumerism (3.0 cr)
CMB 5912 - Creativity (1.0 cr)
MILI 6235 - Pharmaceutical Industry: Business and Policy (2.0 cr)
MILI 6995 - Medical Industry Valuation Laboratory (2.0 cr)
MOT 5001 - Technological Business Fundamentals (2.0 cr)
MOT 5002 - Creating Technological Innovation (3.0 cr)
MOT 5003 - Technological Business Planning Workshop (1.0 cr)
MPHY 5040 - Introduction to Medical Physics (3.0 cr)
PDES 5701 - User-Centered Design Studio (4.0 cr)
PDES 5702 - Visual Communication (3.0 cr)
PDES 5704 - Computer-Aided Design Methods (3.0 cr)
PSY 5036W - Computational Vision [WI] (3.0 cr)
PUBH 6161 - Regulatory Toxicology (2.0 cr)
PUBH 6414 - Biostatistical Literacy (3.0 cr)
PUBH 7415 - Introduction to Clinical Trials (3.0 cr)
RSC 5106 - Introduction to Rehabilitation Science (1.0 cr)
SLHS 5606 - Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (3.0 cr)
SLHS 5802 - Hearing Aids I (3.0 cr)
SLHS 5804 - Cochlear Implants (3.0 cr)
SLHS 8802 - Hearing Aids II (3.0 cr)
Plan Options
Plan A
Thesis Credits
Take 10 master's thesis credits.
BMEN 8777 - Thesis Credits: Master's (1.0-18.0 cr)
Plan B
Project Credits (2 credits)
Take 2 credits of the following:
BMEN 8820 - Plan B Project (2.0-3.0 cr)
Math- or Statistics-intensive Courses
At least 6 credits selected to satisfy the Biomedical Engineering Courses, Technical Electives, and/or Free Electives requirement must be designated as math- or statistics-intensive.
AEM 5451 - Optimal Estimation (3.0 cr)
AEM 5501 - Continuum Mechanics (3.0 cr)
AEM 5503 - Theory of Elasticity (3.0 cr)
AEM 8233 - Multi-phase Flows: Fundamentals, Measurement, and Modeling (3.0 cr)
AEM 8511 - Advanced Topics in Continuum Mechanics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5111 - Biomedical Ultrasound (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5201 - Advanced Biomechanics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 5311 - Advanced Biomedical Transport Processes (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8101 - Biomedical Digital Signal Processing (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8201 - Advanced Tissue Mechanics (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8381 - Bioheat and Mass Transfer (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8431 - Controlled Drug and Gene Delivery: Materials, Mechanisms, and Models (4.0 cr)
BMEN 8501 - Dynamical Systems in Biology (3.0 cr)
BMEN 8502 - Physiological Control Systems (3.0 cr)
CEGE 8401 - Fundamentals of Finite Element Method (3.0 cr)
CHEN 8101 - Fluid Mechanics (3.0 cr)
CHEN 8201 - Applied Math (3.0 cr)
CHEN 8402 - Statistical Thermodynamics and Kinetics (3.0 cr)
CHEN 8754 - Systems Analysis of Biological Processes (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5521 - Machine Learning Fundamentals (3.0 cr)
CSCI 5525 - Machine Learning: Analysis and Methods (3.0 cr)
EE 5251 - Optimal Filtering and Estimation (3.0 cr)
EE 5531 - Probability and Stochastic Processes (3.0 cr)
EE 5542 - Adaptive Digital Signal Processing (3.0 cr)
EE 5545 - Digital Signal Processing Design (3.0 cr)
EE 5561 - Image Processing and Applications: From linear filters to artificial intelligence (3.0 cr)
EE 5601 - Introduction to RF/Microwave Engineering (3.0 cr)
EE 5621 - Physical Optics (3.0 cr)
EE 8591 - Predictive Learning from Data (3.0 cr)
IE 5522 - Quality Engineering and Reliability (4.0 cr)
MATH 5248 - Cryptology and Number Theory (4.0 cr)
MATH 5445 - Mathematical Analysis of Biological Networks (4.0 cr)
MATH 5447 - Theoretical Neuroscience (4.0 cr)
MATH 5587 - Elementary Partial Differential Equations I (4.0 cr)
MATH 5651 - Basic Theory of Probability and Statistics (4.0 cr)
MATH 5652 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes (4.0 cr)
MATH 8202 - General Algebra (3.0 cr)
MATH 8253 - Algebraic Geometry (3.0 cr)
ME 5228 - Introduction to Finite Element Modeling, Analysis, and Design (4.0 cr)
ME 5351 - Computational Heat Transfer (4.0 cr)
ME 8341 - Conduction (3.0 cr)
ME 8342 - Convection (3.0 cr)
ME 8343 - Radiation (3.0 cr)
ME 8345 - Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (3.0 cr)
MPHY 8147 - Advanced Physics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (3.0 cr)
PSY 5038W - Introduction to Neural Networks [WI] (3.0 cr)
PUBH 6450 - Biostatistics I (4.0 cr)
PUBH 6451 - Biostatistics II (4.0 cr)
PUBH 7440 - Introduction to Bayesian Analysis (3.0 cr)
PUBH 7475 - Statistical Learning and Data Mining (3.0 cr)
STAT 5021 - Statistical Analysis (4.0 cr)
STAT 5101 - Theory of Statistics I (4.0 cr)
STAT 5102 - Theory of Statistics II (4.0 cr)
STAT 5302 - Applied Regression Analysis (4.0 cr)
STAT 5303 - Designing Experiments (4.0 cr)
STAT 5401 - Applied Multivariate Methods (3.0 cr)
Program Sub-plans
A sub-plan is not required for this program.
Students may not complete the program with more than one sub-plan.
Integrated B.Bm.E./M.S.
The integrated BBmE/MS-Biomedical Engineering program offers students the opportunity to earn both degrees in five years. Students admitted to the integrated program can apply 3 to 16 credits taken their senior year – beyond those required for the BBmE – to MS degree requirements. Courses cannot be double-counted toward both BBmE and MS requirements. To be eligible for the integrated program, BBmE students must have completed BMEN 2101, 2401, 2501, 3011, 3015, 3111, 3115, 3211, 3215, 3311, 3315, 3411, and 3415 at the time of application. A 3.60 minimum GPA for these courses is preferred, but not required. Upon admission, students must maintain timely degree progress to ensure all undergraduate degree requirements are completed by the end of their fourth year.
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BMEN 5001 - Advanced Biomaterials
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Commonly used biomaterials. Chemical/physical aspects. Practical examples from such areas as cardiovascular/orthopedic applications, drug delivery, and cell encapsulation. Methods used for chemical analysis and for physical characterization of biomaterials. Effect of additives, stabilizers, processing conditions, and sterilization methods. prereq: 3301 or MatS 3011 or grad student or instr consent
BMEN 5101 - Advanced Bioelectricity and Instrumentation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Instrumentation, computer systems, and processing requirements for clinical physiological signals. Electrode characteristics, signal processing, and interpretation of physiological events by ECG, EEG, and EMG. Measurement of respiration and blood volume/flow. prereq: [CSE upper div, grad student] or instructor consent
BMEN 5201 - Advanced Biomechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Introduction to biomechanics of musculoskeletal system. Anatomy, tissue material properties. Kinematics, dynamics, and control of joint/limb movement. Analysis of forces/motions within joints. Application to injury, disease. Treatment of specific joints, design of orthopedic devices/implants. prereq: [[3001 or equiv], [CSE upper div or grad student]] or instr consent
BMEN 5311 - Advanced Biomedical Transport Processes
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 5311/ChEn 5753/ME 5381
Typically offered: Every Spring
Fluid flow and mass transfer in the body, bioreactors, and medical devices. Pulsatile flows. Flows around curved and deformable vessels. Boundary layer flows. Blood rheology. Interstitial (porous media) flows. Oxygenation. Cell migration. Student critiques of published papers.
BMEN 5351 - Cell Engineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Engineering approaches to cell-related phenomena important to cell/tissue engineering. Receptor/ligand binding. Trafficking/signaling processes. Applications to cell proliferation, adhesion, and motility. Cell-matrix interactions. prereq: [2401, [2501 or concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 5501], [MATH 2243 or MATH 2373]] or CSE upper div or grad student or instr consent
BMEN 5401 - Advanced Biomedical Imaging
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Functional biomedical imaging modalities. Principles/applications of technologies that offer high spatial/temporal resolution. Bioelectromagnetic and magnetic resonance imaging. Other modalities. prereq: CSE upper div or grad student or instr consent
BMEN 8001 - Polymeric Biomaterials
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to polymeric biomaterial research. Molecular engineering, characterization of properties, material-cell interaction, biocompatibility/bioactivity. Applications in biology and medicine. prereq: [5001, [CHEN 4214 or MATS 4214 or equiv]] or instr consent
BMEN 8041 - Advanced Tissue Engineering Lab
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Tissue engineering refers to the generation of biological substitutes to restore, maintain or improve tissue function. Toward this end, tools and knowledge from several disciplines might be applied including biological sciences (molecular, cellular and tissue anatomy and physiology), engineering (transport phenomena, material science, mechanical characterization) and biotechnology (cell culture, gene transfer, metabolomics). This course will cover some introductory and advanced lab techniques used in tissue engineering.
BMEN 8101 - Biomedical Digital Signal Processing
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Signal processing theory for analyzing real world digital signals. Digital signal processing and mathematically derived algorithms for analysis of stochastic signals. Spectral analyses, noise cancellation, optimal filtering, blind source separation, beamforming techniques. prereq: [[MATH 2243 or MATH 2373], [MATH 2263 or MATH 2374]] or equiv
BMEN 8151 - Biomedical Electronics and Implantable Microsystems
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
This class is about bioelectronics and the synergy between electronics and biomedical applications. It discusses how to architect robust ultra-low-power electronics with applications in implantable, noninvasive, wireless, sensing, and stimulating biomedical systems. Half of the classes span feedback systems, transistor device physics, noise, and circuit-analysis techniques to provide a circuit-foundation. The other half are research papers that describe the utilization of these circuits in implantable and wearable systems. Some of these systems include cochlear implants for the deaf, brain implants for the blind and paralyzed, cardiac devices for noninvasive medical monitoring, and biomolecular sensing systems. Prerequisites: BMEn 5101 or equivalent background in bioinstrumentation and electric circuits.
BMEN 8201 - Advanced Tissue Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Tissues exist in dynamic mechanical environments where they must maintain a fine balance between applied loads and internal tension. Active adaptability of biological materials can significantly complicate measurement of their mechanical behavior. This course will cover fundamental continuum approaches for determining the complex stress states of actively responsive tissues as well as the force-feedback relationships that drive early development and allow mature tissues to maintain mechanical equilibrium. Topics will include theoretical approaches for active force generation, soft tissue finite growth, extracellular matrix remodeling, and constrained mixtures. These methods are applicable to a wide range of biomechanical systems. In this course, they will be applied to mechanics of two model systems: arterial growth and remodeling in hypertension and sheet folding in early organogenesis and morphogenesis. prereq: 3011 or AEM 2021 or equiv
BMEN 8381 - Bioheat and Mass Transfer
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 8381/ME 8381
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Analytical/numerical tools to analyze heat/mass transfer phenomenon in cryobiological, hyperthermic, other biomedically relevant applications. prereq: CSE grad student, upper div transport/fluids course; [physics, biology] recommended
BMEN 8421 - Biophotonics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Prerequisites: Graduate students in physical sciences (engineering, physics, chemistry etc.), or graduate students with an undergraduate degree in the physical sciences or mathematics, or consent of instructor. In addition to previous course work in engineering and/or physics, a working understanding of microscopy is recommended. Although not required, concurrent or previous enrollment in BMEn 5421 (Biomedical Optics) is recommended.
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Understanding light microscopy and the interaction of light with biological materials is widely applicable to numerous research programs. In fact, it is a fundamental approach to addressing critical questions at the cellular and subcellular scales. This course will emphasize the fundamentals of light microscopy and microscopes, fundamentals of fluorescence and fluorescence microscopy (transitions, quantum yield, bleaching, lifetime etc.) and practical applications of fluorescence microscopy (confocal microscopy for optical sectioning, multiphoton microscopy, harmonic generation, FRET, FRAP, and fluorescence lifetime in the time and frequency domains). Course material will span theory, practical applications of microscopy and published literature. prereq: Graduate students in physical sciences (engineering, physics, chemistry etc.), or graduate students with an undergraduate degree in the physical sciences or mathematics, or consent of instructor. In addition to previous course work in engineering and/or physics, a working understanding of microscopy is recommended. Although not required, concurrent or previous enrollment in BMEn 5421 (Biomedical Optics) is recommended.
BMEN 8431 - Controlled Drug and Gene Delivery: Materials, Mechanisms, and Models
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 8431/PHM 8431
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Physical, chemical, physiological, mathematical principles underlying design of delivery systems for drugs. Small molecules, proteins, genes. Temporal controlled release. prereq: Differential equations course including partial differential equations or instr consent
BMEN 8501 - Dynamical Systems in Biology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Nonlinear dynamics with specific emphasis on behavior of excitable systems (neurons/cardiac myocytes). prereq: Grad student in engineering or physics or math or physiology or neuroscience
BMEN 8502 - Physiological Control Systems
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Prerequisites: 8101 or equiv
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Simulation, identification, and optimization of physiological control systems. Linear and non-linear systems analysis, stability analysis, system identification, and control design strategies, including constrained, adaptive, and intelligent control. Analysis and control of physiological system dynamics in normal and diseased states. prereq: 8101 or equiv
BMEN 8511 - Systems and Synthetic Biology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Systems/synthetic biology methods used to characterize/engineer biological systems at molecular/cellular scales. Integration of quantitative experimental approaches/mathematical modeling to elucidate biological design principles, create new molecular/cellular functions.
BMEN 8601 - Biomedical Engineering Seminar
Credits: 1.0 [max 1.0]
Grading Basis: S-N or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Lectures and demonstrations of university and industry research introducing students and faculty to methods and goals of biomedical engineering.
BMEN 8602 - Biomedical Engineering Seminar
Credits: 1.0 [max 1.0]
Grading Basis: S-N or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Lectures and demonstrations of university and industry research introducing students and faculty to methods and goals of biomedical engineering.
BIOC 5216 - Current Topics in Signal Transduction
Credits: 2.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Mechanisms by which biological signals evoke biochemical responses.
BIOC 5361 - Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Introduction to genomics. Emphasizes microbial genomics. Sequencing methods, sequence analysis, genomics databases, genome mapping, prokaryotic horizontal gene transfer, genomics in biotechnology, intellectual property issues. Hands-on introduction to UNIX shell scripting, genomic data analysis using R and Excel in a computer lab setting. prereq: College-level courses in [organic chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology]
BIOC 5444 - Muscle
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BioC 5444/ Phsl 5444
Typically offered: Every Spring
Muscle molecular structure/function and disease. Muscle regulation, ion transport, and force generation. Muscular dystrophy and heart disease. prereq: 3021 or BIOL 3021 or 4331 or BIOL 4331 or PHSL 3061 or instr consent
BIOC 6021 - Biochemistry
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BioC 3021/BioC 3022/BioC 4331/
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Fundamentals of biochemistry. Structure/function of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates. Metabolism, regulation of metabolism. Quantitative treatments of chemical equilibria, enzyme catalysis, and bioenergetics. Chemical basis of genetic information flow. prereq: general biology, organic chemistry, instr consent; intended for MBS students
BIOC 8002 - Molecular Biology and Regulation of Biological Processes
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Classical to current topics in molecular biology. Aspects of DNA, RNA, and protein biology. DNA replication, repair, and recombination. RNA transcription, editing, and regulation. Protein translation/modification. Technologies such as deep-sequencing micro-RNA and prions. prereq: [BMBB or MCDBG] grad student or instr consent
BIOC 8216 - Signal Transduction and Gene Expression
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Cell signaling, metabolic regulation in development. Procaryotic/eucaryotic systems used as models for discussion. Literature-based course. prereq: 8002 or instr consent
BMEN 5031 - Engineering Extracellular Matrices
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
This class explores the complex set of fibrous and linking proteins of tissues, namely the extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is crucial not only for maintaining the structure of tissues but also for guiding and maintaining cellular functions and fate processes. The purpose of the course is to become acquainted with ECM proteins and to investigate how control or manipulation of ECM proteins impacts on cell and tissue function with an emphasis on impacts for regenerative medicine. In the course of this study, we will apply fundamentals of physics, chemistry, and mathematics to make predictions, solve problems and optimize outcomes related to ECM engineering. Required prerequisites: Upper Division Undergraduate or Graduate level student standing in CSE. Recommended prerequisites: BMEn 2501, 3011/3015, 3111/3115, 3311/3315, or equivalents (introductory cell/molecular biology, biomaterials, biotransport, biomechanics).
BMEN 5501 - Biology for Biomedical Engineers
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Concepts of cell/tissue structure/function. Basic principles of cell biology. Tissue engineering, artificial organs. prereq: Engineering upper div or grad student
BMEN 5701 - Cancer Bioengineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Cancer-specific cell, molecular/genetics events. Quantitative applications of bioinformatics/systems biology, optical imaging, cell/matrix mechanics. Drug transport (with some examination of design of novel therapeutics). prereq: [Upper division CSE undergraduate, CSE graduate student] or instr consent
BMEN 8041 - Advanced Tissue Engineering Lab
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Tissue engineering refers to the generation of biological substitutes to restore, maintain or improve tissue function. Toward this end, tools and knowledge from several disciplines might be applied including biological sciences (molecular, cellular and tissue anatomy and physiology), engineering (transport phenomena, material science, mechanical characterization) and biotechnology (cell culture, gene transfer, metabolomics). This course will cover some introductory and advanced lab techniques used in tissue engineering.
CGSC 8041 - Cognitive Neuroscience
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: CgSc 8041/NSC 8041
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Relations between brain activity and cognitive function in mammals. Working memory, attention, decision processing, executive function, categorization, planning, sequence processing. Behavioral/physiological perspectives. Disruption of cognitive function following brain damage. Extracellular recording of single neuron activity in nonhuman primates. Functional neuroimaging/magnetoencephalography in humans. prereq: instr consent
CPMS 5101 - Introduction to Clinical Physiology and Movement Science
Credits: 3.0 [max 6.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Overview of clinical physiology and clinical movement science. For students in such diverse fields as bioengineering, kinesiology, neuroscience, physical therapy, physiology, psychology, public health, occupational therapy.
EEB 5371 - Principles of Systematics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
Theoretical/practical procedures of biological systematics. Phylogeny reconstruction. Computer-assisted analyses, morphological and molecular approaches, species concepts/speciation, comparative methods, classification, historical biogeography, nomenclature, use/value of museums. prereq: Grad student or instr consent
GCD 5036 - Molecular Cell Biology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Analysis of dynamic cellular activities at the molecular level in cell biological fields that are experiencing new research advances not yet reflected in textbooks. Significant emphasis is placed on understanding the experimental basis of our current knowledge of cellular processes through analysis of scientific papers. Project and presentation-based assessments of learning outcomes. prereq: BIOL 4004 or GCD 4005W or grad
GCD 8008 - Mammalian Gene Transfer and Genome Engineering
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Current gene transfer and genome engineering technology. Applications of genetic modifications in animals, particularly transgenic animals and human gene therapy. prereq: instr consent
GCD 8103 - Human Histology
Credits: 5.0 [max 5.0]
Course Equivalencies: GCD 6103/8103
Typically offered: Every Fall
Light/electron microscopic anatomy of tissues and their organization into human organs. Emphasizes integrating structure, its relationship to function at levels from molecules to organs. Lecture, lab. prereq: Undergraduate biology, chemistry, math, and physics course; instr consent
GCD 8131 - Advanced Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Literature-based course in modern molecular genetic and genomic analysis. Students will gain a deep understanding of the fundamental molecular mechanisms controlling inheritance in biological systems. Students will gain a facility in thinking critically and creatively about how genes work at cellular, organismal, and transgenerational levels. Course instruction emphasizes active-learning approaches, student presentations, and group projects. prereq: [3022 or BIOL 4003], [BIOC 3021 or BIOC 4331] or instr consent
GCD 8151 - Cellular Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Credits: 2.0 -4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
This course introduces graduate students to fundamental concepts of Biochemical Unity (Part 1) and Cell Theory (Part 2). For Part 1, we will discuss matter of life, equilibrium, entropy & law of mass action, two state systems, random walks & diffusion, rate equations of chemical reactions, and explore how they relate to regulation of biological networks (gene regulation and signal transduction). For Part 2 we will focus on properties of biological membranes, membrane trafficking, protein import & degradation, nuclear structures and their function, as well as molecular motors, cytoskeletal dynamics, and mitosis. The course assumes students have had previous undergraduate courses in cell biology, biochemistry and genetics. prereq: [[[4034 or 8121 or BioC 8002], Biol 4004] or BMBB or MCDBG grad student] or instr consent
GCD 8161 - Advanced Cell Biology and Development
Credits: 2.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
The advanced cell and developmental biology of embryos, taught through in-depth, comparative analysis of historical and current primary research articles that illustrate developmental mechanisms and experimental approaches in key invertebrate and vertebrate model organisms. prereq:[BMBB or MCDBG grad student] or [GCD 4161, [GCD 8131 or Biol 4003], Biol 4004, and GCD 4034] or instr consent
MEDC 5245 - Introduction to Drug Design
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Chem 5245/Phar 6245/MedC 5245
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Concepts that govern design/discovery of drugs. Physical, bioorganic, medicinal chemical principles applied to explain rational design, mechanism of action drugs. prereq: Chem
MEDC 8002 - General Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: MedC 5710/MedC 8002
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Fundamental principles of molecular recognition, physicochemical properties of drugs, drug metabolism and disposition, interaction of molecules with DNA/RNA. prereq: Med chem grad student or instr consent
MEDC 8461 - Design of Cancer Therapeutics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Cancer Drug Therapy is a relatively new field of medicine that has undergone many medical and societal changes over the course of the last 100 years and in particular the last 60 years. The emphasis in this course will be to familiarize the student with the basic concepts of cancer biology and to survey current advanced approaches for the development and design of small molecule, protein and cell based therapeutics for the treatment of cancer.
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Structure of biological macromolecules that are targets of drugs. Techniques to accelerate directed drug discovery. Protein structure/interactions. Popular target classes. Computational tools for visualizing/analyzing protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions. Structural characterization at a level sufficient to underpin critical data evaluation. Biophysical techniques to assess weak ligand binding and suitable for fragment-based lead discovery. prereq: 5710 or 8002 or CHEM 5412 or structural biochemistry or instr consent
MEDC 8760 - Design of Peptidomimetics
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Current approaches to design and synthesis of mimetics of biologically active peptides. Structural and conformational rationale used in peptidomimetic design. prereq: 5600 or instr consent
MICA 8002 - Structure, Function, and Genetics of Bacteria and Viruses
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Structure, function, and metabolism of microorganisms. Microbial genetics. Molecular virology. prereq: [One undergrad or grad course each in [microbiology, genetics, biochemistry]] or instr consent
MICA 8003 - Immunity and Immunopathology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Lymphocyte activation, signal transduction in lymphocytes, antigen receptor genetics, antigen presentation, lymphoid anatomy, adaptive immune responses to microbes, immunodeficiency, immunopathology, cytokines, transplantation, autoimmunity. prereq: Upper level undergrad immunology course or instr consent
MICA 8004 - Cellular and Cancer Biology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Fundamental concepts in cellular, molecular, and genetic basis of disease. Molecular basis of inflammation and cancer metastasis. Genetic basis for inherited disorders and gene therapy. Molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis. prereq: [One undergrad or grad course each in [biochemistry, cell biology]] or instr consent
MICA 8009 - Biochemical Aspects of Normal and Abnormal Cell Growth and Cell Death
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Aspects of mechanisms involved in growth control at level of nuclear function. Neoplasia in hormonal cancers (such as prostate cancer) and role of protein phosphorylation in normal and abnormal growth. Mechanisms of cell death via apoptosis and its implications in normal and abnormal proliferation. prereq: 8004 or [BioC 3021, Biol 4004] or instr consent
MLSP 5111 - Concepts of Diagnostic Microbiology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Investigation of pathophysiologic mechanisms of disease for medically significant human bacteria and yeast including epidemiology, pathogenesis, spectrum of disease, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and therapy. Current analytical methods and applications are discussed.
MLSP 5511 - Principles of Immunobiology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall & Summer
Comprehensive exploration of the immune system and functions. Fundamental principles of humoral and cellular immunity. Adaptive immunity, clinical outcomes, hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, cancer, transplantation, immunotherapy, and immunity against infectious diseases. Immunologic testing methods and immune function assessment are discussed.
MPHY 5172 - Radiation Biology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BPhy 5172/TRad 7172
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Effects of ionizing radiation on cells, tissues, and organisms. Biochemical/physiological bases of radiation effects. Biological rationale for radiation therapy practices. prereq: 5170 or instr consent
NEUR 5230 - Cerebrovascular Hemodynamics and Diseases I
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Principles of cerebrovascular disease/pathophysiology, hemodynamics, diagnostic imaging, and endovacular devices. Bench-to-bedside experiments. Clinical trials, including design constraints and biostatistics. prereq: [[PHSL 3051 or PHSL 3063], [MATH 1271 or MATH 1371], [MATH 1272 or MATH 1372], [PHYS 1201W or PHYS 1301W], instr consent] or [grad student, [PHSL 5061 or instr consent]]
NSC 5461 - Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
Credits: 3.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Lectures by team of faculty, problem sets in important physiological concepts, discussion of original research papers. prereq: NSc grad student or instr consent
NSC 5462 - Neuroscience Principles of Drug Abuse
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Course Equivalencies: Phcl 5462/Nsc 5462
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Current research on drugs of abuse, their mechanisms of action, characteristics shared by various agents, and neural systems affected by them. Offered biennially, spring semester of even-numbered years. prereq: instr consent
NSC 5540 - Survey of Biomedical Neuroscience
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Summer
Current topics in biomedical neuroscience, accompanied by supporting, fundamental concepts. Intensive, one week course. prereq: instr consent, intended for members of biomedical community or students with advanced scientific backgrounds
NSC 5561 - Systems Neuroscience
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Principles of organization of neural systems forming the basis for sensation/movement. Sensory-motor/neural-endocrine integration. Relationships between structure and function in nervous system. Team taught. Lecture, laboratory. prereq: NSc grad student or instr consent
NSC 5661 - Behavioral Neuroscience
Credits: 2.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Neural coding/representation of movement parameters. Neural mechanisms underlying higher order processes such as memorization, memory scanning, and mental rotation. Emphasizes experimental psychological studies in human subjects, single cell recording experiments in subhuman primates, and artificial neural network modeling. prereq: Grad NSc major or grad NSc minor or instr consent
NSC 8208 - Neuropsychopharmacology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Methodologies to study relationships between drugs and biochemical, behavioral, and neurophysiological consequences. Functional biogenic amine, peptidergic, other pathways. How manipulations alter neuronal function or behavior. Feedback mechanisms, induction, inhibition. Reinforcement of, tolerance to, or dependence on drugs of abuse: stimulants, hallucinogens, depressants, opiates. Student presentations. prereq: [5212, 6112, PSY 5021, PSY 5061] or instr consent
NSC 8211 - Developmental Neurobiology
Credits: 2.0 -4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
How neuronal types develop. Emphasizes general mechanisms. Experimental data demonstrating mechanisms. prereq: Neuroscience grad student or instr consent
NSC 8221 - Neurobiology of Pain and Analgesia
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Pain and analgesia. Course is triennial. prereq: instr consent
NSCI 5101 - Neurobiology I: Molecules, Cells, and Systems
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
This course discusses the basic principles of cellular and molecular neurobiology and nervous systems. The main topics include: Organization of simple networks, neural systems and behavior; how the brain develops and the physiology and communication of neurons and glia; the molecular and genetic basis of cell organization; ion channel structure and function; the molecular basis of synaptic receptors; transduction mechanisms and second messengers; intracellular regulation of calcium; neurotransmitter systems, including excitation and inhibition, neuromodulation, system regulation and the cellular basis of learning, memory and cognition. The course is intended for students majoring in neuroscience, but is open to all students with the required prerequisites.
OBIO 8012 - Basic Concepts in Skeletal Biology
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Cells (osteoblasts, osteoclasts, chrondrocytes) that make up skeleton. Transcription/signaling networks that regulate cell growth/differentiation. Mechanisms of bone remodeling. Regulation of bone by such agents such as hormones. Prereq Grad student or instr consent.
OBIO 8028 - Molecular Basis of Cellular and Microbial Adhesion
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Spring Odd Year
Biochemical basis of adhesion phenomena. Cells of immune system, development of organs, tissue formation, bacterial colonization of the human. prereq: Dental specialist or oral research trainee or instr consent
PHAR 5700 - Applied Fundamentals of Pharmacotherapy
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Phar 3700/Phar 5700
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Pharmacotherapy, the treatment of disease through the administration of medications, is a field particularly interesting to many health care workers. This course is designed to introduce students to some of the main drug classes available for the treatment of particular diseases. Students will also learn about basic pharmacology, recognize brand and generic drug names, and explore their common uses and therapeutic classes. A basic understanding of treatment options available for common disease states will also be developed during this course. Additionally, the course develops basic proficiency in the use of drug information resources. This is a completely online course with due dates throughout the semester, though students have the option to work ahead if they choose. This course is offered each Fall, Spring, and Summer term. For more information, contact or 612-624-7976. Prereq: Medical terminology recommended
PHSL 5061 - Principles of Physiology for Biomedical Engineering
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Human physiology with emphasis on quantitative aspects. Organ systems (circulation, respiration, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, muscle, central and peripheral nervous systems), cellular transport processes, and scaling in biology. prereq: Biomedical engineering grad, one yr college chem and physics and math through integral calculus
PHSL 5115 - Clinical Physiology I
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Cellular mechanisms, disease states and clinical applications of excitable tissues: cellular transport, neurophysiology, skeletal muscle physiology, cardiovascular physiology. prereq: instr consent
PHSL 5116 - Clinical Physiology II
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Cellular mechanisms, disease states and clinical applications of metabolic systems: respiratory physiology, renal physiology, acid base physiology, metabolism, gastrointestinal physiology, endocrine physiology, physiology of pregnancy and labor. prereq: instr consent
PHSL 5444 - Muscle
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BioC 5444/ Phsl 5444
Typically offered: Every Spring
Muscle molecular structure/function and disease. Muscle regulation, ion transport, and force generation. Muscular dystrophy and heart disease. prereq: PHSL 3061 or PHSL 5061 or BioC 3021, BIOL 3021 or BIOL 4331 or instr consent
PHSL 5510 - Advanced Cardiac Physiology and Anatomy
Credits: 2.0 -3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Fundamental concepts, advanced topics related to clinical/biomedical cardiac physiology. Lectures, laboratories, workshops, anatomical dissections. Intense, one week course. prereq: instr consent
PHSL 5525 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Pelvis and Urinary System
Credits: 1.0 -2.0 [max 2.0]
Course Equivalencies: Anat 5525/Phsl 5525
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Two-day intensive course. Pelvis, perineum, and urinary system with cadaveric dissection. Structure/function of pelvic and urinary organs, including common dysfunction and pathophysiology. Laboratory dissections, including kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, pelvic viscera and perineum (male or female), pelvic floor, vascular and nervous structures. Grand rounds section. prereq: One undergrad anatomy course, one undergrad physiology course, instr consent
PSY 5015 - Cognition, Computation, and Brain
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Human cognitive abilities (perception, memory, attention) from different perspectives (e.g., cognitive psychological approach, cognitive neuroscience approach). prereq: [Honors or grad] or [[jr or sr], [3011 or 3031 or 3051 or 3061]] or instr consent
PSY 5062 - Cognitive Neuropsychology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Consequences of different types of brain damage on human perception/cognition. Neural mechanisms of normal perceptual/cognitive functions. Vision/attention disorders, split brain, language deficits, memory disorders, central planning deficits. Emphasizes function/phenomenology. Minimal amount of brain anatomy. prereq: Grad or [[jr or sr], [3011 or 3031 or 3051 or 3061]] or instr consent
PSY 8041 - Proseminar in Perception
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
Seminar. Advanced topics in auditory and visual perception. Lecture, discussion, and student-led presentations of research papers on core topics of the peripheral visual and auditory systems, cortical representations, behavioral and brain-imaging methods, and computational approaches to understanding/simulating perception. prereq: Psy grad student or instr consent
RSC 5200 - Introduction to Neuromodulation
Credits: 1.0 -3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
This course will provide training in the theory, biophysics and evidence-based application of non-invasive magnetic and electric brain stimulation in humans. Course content will be delivered in three modules: (1) safety and administration of non-invasive brain stimulation, (2) neuromodulation methods, and (3) advanced assessment and modeling techniques. All registered students must take module #1. Testing methods will include various methods to assess intracortical, transcallosal and interhemispheric excitability. Neuromodulation methods presented will include non-invasive and invasive forms of brain stimulation. Hands-on instruction and laboratory applications will be provided for cortical excitability testing using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as well as for other non-invasive forms of brain stimulation. Those enrolled will both administer and receive non-invasive brain stimulation and will be asked to sign a consent form. Specific safety exclusion criteria for receiving non-invasive brain stimulation exist and enrollees who have questions should contact the Division of Rehabilitation Science.
RSC 5231 - Clinical Biomechanics
Credits: 2.0 -5.0 [max 5.0]
Course Equivalencies: PT 6231/RSC 5231
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Biomechanics. Internal/external forces/structures responsible for normal/abnormal human movement. Joint and tissue mechanics, muscle function, task analysis, and gait mechanics. Lecture and lab practice. prereq: concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in PT 6231, general physics, [intro or short] calculus, anatomy; intensive anatomy course in human cadaver dissection recommended
RSC 5281 - Physiology for Physical Rehabilitation
Credits: 2.0 -4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: PT 6281/RSC 5281
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
This course provides an in-depth presentation of fundamental concepts in tissue and organ system physiology as it relate to general health, aging, and physical exercise. Emphasis is on the following systems: muscle, bone & connective tissue, endocrine, immune, renal, gi, and hematology. Influence of aging on these systems will be addressed as well. prereq: Rehabilitation Science grad student
RSC 5402 - The Shoulder in Sports Rehabilitation Science
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: PT 6402/RSC 5402
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring & Summer
A three-credit online course for students who are interested in investigating the biomechanical and epidemiological aspects of the shoulder in athletics. The course will explore the unique demands placed on the shoulder in sports that involve throwing, swimming, swinging, and bodily impacts. The course begins with an investigation into sport-specific biomechanics, pathomechanics, and epidemiology and progresses to applied problem solving for rehabilitation and research scenarios. prereq: (1) an undergraduate or graduate human anatomy course and (2) an undergraduate or graduate biomechanics course. It is recommended, but not required, you have an anatomy course including a detailed shoulder anatomy section and a biomechanics course including a detailed shoulder biomechanics section. Consent from course instructor or Rehabilitation Science graduate program is required.
RSC 8282 - Problems in Human Movement
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Prerequisites: [Rehabilitation science student or program permission], #
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Fundamental principles of neurophysiology, neurology, motor control, and motor learning as a basis for therapeutic intervention in motor dysfunction. prereq: [Rehabilitation science student or program permission], instr consent
SCB 8181 - Stem Cell Biology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: GCD 8181/SCB 8181
Typically offered: Every Fall
Stem cell research and its applications. Critical analysis, written summaries/critiques, oral presentations. prereq: [[GCD 4034], [GCD 4161]] or equiv or instr consent
SLHS 5605 - Language and Cognitive Disorders in Adults
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Acquired cognitive and communicative disorders in the adult population specifically including: stroke/aphasia, right hemisphere dysfunction, traumatic brain injury, and dementia. Consideration of neurological substrates, disorder symptomology, assessment, clinical intervention, and functional impact across the lifespan and amongst diverse populations. prereq: [3302, 4301] or [CDis 3302, CDis 4301] or instr consent
SLHS 5802 - Hearing Aids I
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Survey of modern hearing aids including history of development, electroacoustic functions, clinic and laboratory measurement techniques, sound field acoustics, techniques for selection. prereq: [[3305, 4801] or [CDIS 3305, CDIS 4801], SLHS grad] or instr consent
SLHS 5806 - Auditory Disorders in Children
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
In this course students learn about assessing hearing and listening difficulties in children ?beyond the audiogram?, as well as the pediatric-specific considerations for intervention and management of identified hearing difficulties. This course covers the anatomy and physiology of the central auditory pathway, assessments to evaluate auditory disorders and processing skills, and techniques to address auditory processing weaknesses and disorders in children. Additional topics include normal and disordered auditory processing abilities, current and historical theories and controversies surrounding auditory assessment beyond the audiogram, and advances in the assessment and management of childhood hearing disorders. prereq: [4802 or CDIS 4802, SLHS grad] or instr consent
SLHS 8802 - Hearing Aids II
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Instrumentation and methods for fitting and evaluating personal hearing aids; ear impression techniques and materials; repair and modification of hearing aids. prereq: 5802 or Cdis 5802 or instr consent
AEM 5401 - Intermediate Dynamics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Three-dimensional Newtonian mechanics, kinematics of rigid bodies, dynamics of rigid bodies, generalized coordinates, holonomic constraints, Lagrange equations, applications. prereq: CSE upper div or grad, 2012, Math 2243
AEM 5451 - Optimal Estimation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: AEM 5451/EE 5251
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Basic probability theory. Batch/recursive least squares estimation. Filtering of linear/non-linear systems using Kalman and extended Kalman filters. Applications to sensor fusion, fault detection, and system identification. prereq: [[MATH 2243 or STAT 3021 or equiv], [4321 or EE 4231 or ME 5281 or equiv]] or instr consent
AEM 5501 - Continuum Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Concepts common to all continuous media; elements of tensor analysis; motion, deformation, vorticity; material derivatives; mass, continuity equation; balance of linear, angular momentum; geometric characterization of stress; constitutive equations. prereq: CSE upper div or grad, 3031, Math 2243 or equiv or instr consent
AEM 5503 - Theory of Elasticity
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to the theory of elasticity, with emphasis on linear elasticity. Linear and nonlinear strain measures, boundary-value problem for linear elasticity, plane problems in linear elasticity, three dimensional problems in linear elasticity. Topics from nonlinear elasticity, micromechanics, contact problems, fracture mechanics. prereq: 4501 or equiv, Math 2263 or equiv or instr consent
AEM 8233 - Multi-phase Flows: Fundamentals, Measurement, and Modeling
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Introduction to fluid flows with multiple interacting phases, with emphasis on cases in which a dispersed phase is carried by a continuous one. Droplet dynamics, bubbly flows and bubble-induced fluctuations, particle-turbulence interaction. Fundamentals of measurement techniques and modeling approaches. Elements of rheology for complex and active fluids.
AEM 8511 - Advanced Topics in Continuum Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 6.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Constitutive equations; invariance and thermodynamic restrictions. Nonlinear elasticity theory; exact solutions, minimization, stability. Non-Newtonian fluids; viscometric flows, viscometric functions, normal stress. Other topics may include reactive and/or nonreactive mixtures, nonlinear plasticity, and deformable electromagnetic continua. prereq: 5501 or instr consent
AEM 8531 - Fracture Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Theories of mechanical breakdown. Kinetic rate theories and instability considerations; formation of equilibrium cracks and circular crack propagation under pulses; statistical aspects of strength and fracture of micromolecular systems; time and temperature dependency in fracture problems and instability of compressed material systems. prereq: 5503 or instr consent
BBE 5301 - Applied Surface and Colloid Science
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BBE 4301/BBE 5301/Chem 4301
Typically offered: Every Fall
Introduction to surface/colloid science concepts. Surface tension, wetting, adsorption, capillarity. Formation/stability of sols, emulsions, and foams. Water solubility. Partition coefficients of organic species. Properties of both surfactants and water soluble polymers. Focuses on interdisciplinary applications.
BIOC 5351 - Protein Engineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Key properties of enzymes/molecular basis, computer modeling strategies, mutagenesis strategies to create protein variants, expression/screening of protein variants. Evaluate research papers, identify unsolved practical/theoretical problems, plan protein engineering experiment.
BIOC 5352 - Biotechnology and Bioengineering for Biochemists
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BioC 5352/MicB 5352
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Protein biotechnology. Microorganisms used as hosts for protein expression, protein expression, and engineering methods. Production of enzymes of industrial interest. Applications of protein biotechnology in bioelectronics. Formulation of therapeutic biopharmaceuticals. Recommended prerequisites: Biochemistry (BiOC 3021 or 3022 or 4331) and Microbiology MICB 3301
BIOC 5528 - Spectroscopy and Kinetics
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Biochemical dynamics from perspectives of kinetics and spectroscopy. Influence of structure, molecular interactions, and chemical transformations on biochemical reactions. Focuses on computational, spectroscopic, and physical methods. Steady-state and transient kinetics. Optical and magnetic resonance spectroscopies. prereq: Intro physical chemistry or equiv; intro biochemistry recommended
BIOC 8005 - Biochemistry: Structure and Catalysis
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Protein structure, methods to determine structure, protein folding, forces stabilizing macromolecular structure, protein engineering, design. Dynamic properties of proteins/enzymes, enzyme substrate complexes, mechanism of enzyme catalysis.
BMEN 5001 - Advanced Biomaterials
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Commonly used biomaterials. Chemical/physical aspects. Practical examples from such areas as cardiovascular/orthopedic applications, drug delivery, and cell encapsulation. Methods used for chemical analysis and for physical characterization of biomaterials. Effect of additives, stabilizers, processing conditions, and sterilization methods. prereq: 3301 or MatS 3011 or grad student or instr consent
BMEN 5041 - Tissue Engineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Fundamentals of wound healing and tissue repair; characterization of cell-matrix interactions; case study of engineered tissues, including skin, bone marrow, liver, vessel, and cartilage; regulation of biomaterials and engineered tissues. prereq: CSE upper div or grad student or med student or instr consent
BMEN 5101 - Advanced Bioelectricity and Instrumentation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Instrumentation, computer systems, and processing requirements for clinical physiological signals. Electrode characteristics, signal processing, and interpretation of physiological events by ECG, EEG, and EMG. Measurement of respiration and blood volume/flow. prereq: [CSE upper div, grad student] or instructor consent
BMEN 5111 - Biomedical Ultrasound
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to biomedical ultrasound, including physics of ultrasound, transducer technology, medical ultrasound imaging, photoacoustic imaging, applications of non-linear acoustics, and high-intensity ultrasound. prereq: [[PHYS 1302 or equiv], [MATH 2374 or equiv]] or instr consent
BMEN 5151 - Introduction to BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Design/microfabrication of sensors, actuators, drug delivery systems, microfluidic devices, and DNA/protein microarrays. Packaging, biocompatibility, ISO 10993 standards. Applications in medicine, research, and homeland security. prereq: CSE sr or grad student or medical student
BMEN 5201 - Advanced Biomechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Introduction to biomechanics of musculoskeletal system. Anatomy, tissue material properties. Kinematics, dynamics, and control of joint/limb movement. Analysis of forces/motions within joints. Application to injury, disease. Treatment of specific joints, design of orthopedic devices/implants. prereq: [[3001 or equiv], [CSE upper div or grad student]] or instr consent
BMEN 5311 - Advanced Biomedical Transport Processes
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 5311/ChEn 5753/ME 5381
Typically offered: Every Spring
Fluid flow and mass transfer in the body, bioreactors, and medical devices. Pulsatile flows. Flows around curved and deformable vessels. Boundary layer flows. Blood rheology. Interstitial (porous media) flows. Oxygenation. Cell migration. Student critiques of published papers.
BMEN 5321 - Microfluidics in Biology and Medicine
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Fundamentals of microfluidics. Fluid mechanics/transport phenomena in microscale systems. Pressure/surface driven flows. Capillary forces, electrokinetics, hydraulic circuit analysis. Finite element modeling for microfluidic systems. Design/fabrication methods for microfluidic devices. prereq: [3111, AEM 4201, ChEn 4005, [ME 3331 or ME 3332 or CSE grad student or instr consent]
BMEN 5351 - Cell Engineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Engineering approaches to cell-related phenomena important to cell/tissue engineering. Receptor/ligand binding. Trafficking/signaling processes. Applications to cell proliferation, adhesion, and motility. Cell-matrix interactions. prereq: [2401, [2501 or concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 5501], [MATH 2243 or MATH 2373]] or CSE upper div or grad student or instr consent
BMEN 5361 - 3D Bioprinting
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
3D Bioprinting has recently emerged as a new biofabrication technology that merges many engineering fields (eg. BME, MechE, ChemE) with other disciplines such as Materials Science, Stem Cell Biology, Physiology, Surgery and Pharmacology. This course serves as an introduction to the field and how its disciplines interface, while providing the student with knowledge of many of the most common bioprinting methods and applications being developed today through lectures by experts in the field (academia and industry) as well as hands-on lab exercises in the UMN 3D Bioprinting Facility.
BMEN 5401 - Advanced Biomedical Imaging
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Functional biomedical imaging modalities. Principles/applications of technologies that offer high spatial/temporal resolution. Bioelectromagnetic and magnetic resonance imaging. Other modalities. prereq: CSE upper div or grad student or instr consent
BMEN 5411 - Neural Engineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Theoretical basis. Signal processing techniques. Modeling of nervous system, its response to stimulation. Electrode design, neural modeling, cochlear implants, deep brain stimulation. Prosthetic limbs, micturition control, prosthetic vision. Brain machine interface, seizure prediction, optical imaging of nervous system, place cell recordings in hippocampus. prereq: 3401 recommended
BMEN 5412 - Neuromodulation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Fundamentals of bioengineering approaches to modulate the nervous system, including bioelectricity, biomagnetism, and optogenetics. Computational modeling, design, and physiological mechanisms of neuromodulation technologies. Clinical exposure to managing neurological disorders with neuromodulation technology.
BMEN 5413 - Neural Decoding and Interfacing
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Neural interface technologies currently in use in patients as well as the biophysical, neural coding, and hardware features relating to their implementation in humans. Practical and ethical considerations for implanting these devices into humans. prereq: CSE upper division student, CSE graduate student, or instructor approval. recommended: BMEn 3411
BMEN 5421 - Introduction to Biomedical Optics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Biomedical optical imaging/sensing principles, laser-tissue interaction, detector design, noise analysis, interferometry, spectroscopy. Optical coherence tomography, polarization, birefringence, flow measurement, fluorescence, nonlinear microscopy. Tours of labs. prereq: CSE sr or grad student
BMEN 5601 - Cardiovascular Devices
Credits: 1.0 [max 1.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Design of cardiovascular devices with experts from local medtech companies. Discussion of clinical need, the generic design (emphasizing use of engineering principles), typical testing and validation methods, and major limitations of the available devices. Design, analysis, and testing of these and related devices. prereq: BMEN 3011, 3111, 3211, or equivalents with instr consent
BMEN 5910 - Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 6.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Special topics in biomedical engineering.
BMEN 8001 - Polymeric Biomaterials
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to polymeric biomaterial research. Molecular engineering, characterization of properties, material-cell interaction, biocompatibility/bioactivity. Applications in biology and medicine. prereq: [5001, [CHEN 4214 or MATS 4214 or equiv]] or instr consent
BMEN 8101 - Biomedical Digital Signal Processing
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Signal processing theory for analyzing real world digital signals. Digital signal processing and mathematically derived algorithms for analysis of stochastic signals. Spectral analyses, noise cancellation, optimal filtering, blind source separation, beamforming techniques. prereq: [[MATH 2243 or MATH 2373], [MATH 2263 or MATH 2374]] or equiv
BMEN 8151 - Biomedical Electronics and Implantable Microsystems
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
This class is about bioelectronics and the synergy between electronics and biomedical applications. It discusses how to architect robust ultra-low-power electronics with applications in implantable, noninvasive, wireless, sensing, and stimulating biomedical systems. Half of the classes span feedback systems, transistor device physics, noise, and circuit-analysis techniques to provide a circuit-foundation. The other half are research papers that describe the utilization of these circuits in implantable and wearable systems. Some of these systems include cochlear implants for the deaf, brain implants for the blind and paralyzed, cardiac devices for noninvasive medical monitoring, and biomolecular sensing systems. Prerequisites: BMEn 5101 or equivalent background in bioinstrumentation and electric circuits.
BMEN 8201 - Advanced Tissue Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Tissues exist in dynamic mechanical environments where they must maintain a fine balance between applied loads and internal tension. Active adaptability of biological materials can significantly complicate measurement of their mechanical behavior. This course will cover fundamental continuum approaches for determining the complex stress states of actively responsive tissues as well as the force-feedback relationships that drive early development and allow mature tissues to maintain mechanical equilibrium. Topics will include theoretical approaches for active force generation, soft tissue finite growth, extracellular matrix remodeling, and constrained mixtures. These methods are applicable to a wide range of biomechanical systems. In this course, they will be applied to mechanics of two model systems: arterial growth and remodeling in hypertension and sheet folding in early organogenesis and morphogenesis. prereq: 3011 or AEM 2021 or equiv
BMEN 8381 - Bioheat and Mass Transfer
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 8381/ME 8381
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Analytical/numerical tools to analyze heat/mass transfer phenomenon in cryobiological, hyperthermic, other biomedically relevant applications. prereq: CSE grad student, upper div transport/fluids course; [physics, biology] recommended
BMEN 8401 - New Product Design and Business Development
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 8401/Entr 6041/PDes 8221
Prerequisites: BME graduate student, some design experience; 8401, 8402 must be taken same yr
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Student teams work with CSE and CSOM faculty and company representatives to develop a product concept for sponsoring company. Assignments include concept/detail design, manufacturing, marketing, introduction strategy, profit forecasting, production of product prototype. prereq: BME graduate student, some design experience; 8401, 8402 must be taken same yr
BMEN 8421 - Biophotonics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Prerequisites: Graduate students in physical sciences (engineering, physics, chemistry etc.), or graduate students with an undergraduate degree in the physical sciences or mathematics, or consent of instructor. In addition to previous course work in engineering and/or physics, a working understanding of microscopy is recommended. Although not required, concurrent or previous enrollment in BMEn 5421 (Biomedical Optics) is recommended.
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Understanding light microscopy and the interaction of light with biological materials is widely applicable to numerous research programs. In fact, it is a fundamental approach to addressing critical questions at the cellular and subcellular scales. This course will emphasize the fundamentals of light microscopy and microscopes, fundamentals of fluorescence and fluorescence microscopy (transitions, quantum yield, bleaching, lifetime etc.) and practical applications of fluorescence microscopy (confocal microscopy for optical sectioning, multiphoton microscopy, harmonic generation, FRET, FRAP, and fluorescence lifetime in the time and frequency domains). Course material will span theory, practical applications of microscopy and published literature. prereq: Graduate students in physical sciences (engineering, physics, chemistry etc.), or graduate students with an undergraduate degree in the physical sciences or mathematics, or consent of instructor. In addition to previous course work in engineering and/or physics, a working understanding of microscopy is recommended. Although not required, concurrent or previous enrollment in BMEn 5421 (Biomedical Optics) is recommended.
BMEN 8431 - Controlled Drug and Gene Delivery: Materials, Mechanisms, and Models
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 8431/PHM 8431
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Physical, chemical, physiological, mathematical principles underlying design of delivery systems for drugs. Small molecules, proteins, genes. Temporal controlled release. prereq: Differential equations course including partial differential equations or instr consent
BMEN 8501 - Dynamical Systems in Biology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Nonlinear dynamics with specific emphasis on behavior of excitable systems (neurons/cardiac myocytes). prereq: Grad student in engineering or physics or math or physiology or neuroscience
BMEN 8502 - Physiological Control Systems
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Prerequisites: 8101 or equiv
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Simulation, identification, and optimization of physiological control systems. Linear and non-linear systems analysis, stability analysis, system identification, and control design strategies, including constrained, adaptive, and intelligent control. Analysis and control of physiological system dynamics in normal and diseased states. prereq: 8101 or equiv
BMEN 8511 - Systems and Synthetic Biology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Systems/synthetic biology methods used to characterize/engineer biological systems at molecular/cellular scales. Integration of quantitative experimental approaches/mathematical modeling to elucidate biological design principles, create new molecular/cellular functions.
CEGE 8401 - Fundamentals of Finite Element Method
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Prerequisites: 4411 or #
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Elements of calculus of variations; weak and strong formulations of linear continuum and structural problems. Isoparametric elements and numerical integration. Basic concepts of error analysis and convergence. Analysis of plates and shells. Introduction to mixed methods and time dependent problems. prereq: 4411 or instr consent
CHEM 8021 - Computational Chemistry
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Modern theoretical methods used in study of molecular structure, bonding, reactivity. Concepts/practical applications. Determination of spectra, relationship to experimental techniques. Molecular mechanics. Critical assessment of reliability of methods. prereq: 4502 or equiv
CHEM 8157 - Bioanalytical Chemistry
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Theory and practical aspects of analytical methods used in determination/characterization of biologically important materials. Enzymatic/kinetic methods in study of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
CHEM 8411 - Introduction to Chemical Biology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Chemistry of amino acids, peptides, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. Structure, nomenclature, synthesis, and reactivity. Overview of techniques used to characterize these biomolecules. prereq: 2302 or equiv
CHEN 5751 - Biochemical Engineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Chemical engineering principles applied to analysis/design of complex cellular/enzyme processes. Quantitative framework for design of cells for production of proteins, synthesis of antibodies with mammalian cells, or degradation of toxic compounds in contaminated soil. prereq: [3005 or 4005], [concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 3006 or concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 4006], [concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 3102 or concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 4102]
CHEN 8101 - Fluid Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Equations of change of mass, momentum, angular momentum. Kinematics of deformation, convective transport. Applications to fluid statics/dynamics of Newtonian fluids. Examples of exact solutions of Navier-Stokes equations, useful simplifications. prereq: Chemical engineering grad student or instr consent
CHEN 8201 - Applied Math
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ChEn 4701/ChEn 8201
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Integrated approach to solving linear mathematical problems. Linear algebraic equations. Linear ordinary and partial differential equations using theoretical/numerical analysis based on linear operator theory. prereq: Chemical engineering grad student or instr consent
CHEN 8221 - Synthetic Polymer Chemistry
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: ChEn 8221/MatS 8221/Chem 8221
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Condensation, radical, ionic, emulsion, ring-opening, metal-catalyzed polymerizations. Chain conformation, solution thermodynamics, molecular weight characterization, physical properties. prereq: [Undergrad organic chemistry course, undergrad physical chemistry course] or instr consent
CHEN 8301 - Physical Rate Processes I: Transport
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Survey of mass transfer, dilute, and concentrated diffusion. Brownian motion. Diffusion coefficients in polymers, of electrolytes, and at critical points. Multicomponent diffusion. Mass transfer correlations/predictions. Mass transfer coupled with chemical reaction.
CHEN 8402 - Statistical Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to statistical mechanical description of equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of matter. Emphasizes fluids, classical statistical mechanics. prereq: Chemical engineering grad student or instr consent
CHEN 8754 - Systems Analysis of Biological Processes
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Relating biological processes at molecular level to physiological level of cells/organisms/populations. Methodology for analyzing data. Quantification of molecular interplays. prereq: Grad student in [life sciences or chemical/physical sciences or engineering]; ChEn students must take A/F
CSCI 5103 - Operating Systems
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Conceptual foundation of operating system designs and implementations. Relationships between operating system structures and machine architectures. UNIX implementation mechanisms as examples. prereq: 4061 or instr consent
CSCI 5211 - Data Communications and Computer Networks
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: CSci 4211/CSci 5211/INET 4002
Typically offered: Every Fall
Concepts, principles, protocols, and applications of computer networks. Layered network architectures, data link protocols, local area networks, network layer/routing protocols, transport, congestion/flow control, emerging high-speed networks, network programming interfaces, networked applications. Case studies using Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, TCP/IP, ATM, Email, HTTP, and WWW. prereq: [4061 or instr consent], basic knowledge of [computer architecture, operating systems, probability], grad student
CSCI 5421 - Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Fundamental paradigms of algorithm and data structure design. Divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy method, graph algorithms, amortization, priority queues and variants, search structures, disjoint-set structures. Theoretical underpinnings. Examples from various problem domains. prereq: 4041 or instr consent
CSCI 5451 - Introduction to Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms, and Programming
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Parallel architectures design, embeddings, routing. Examples of parallel computers. Fundamental communication operations. Performance metrics. Parallel algorithms for sorting. Matrix problems, graph problems, dynamic load balancing, types of parallelisms. Parallel programming paradigms. Message passing programming in MPI. Shared-address space programming in openMP or threads. prereq: 4041 or instr consent
CSCI 5511 - Artificial Intelligence I
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: CSci 4511W/CSci 5511
Prerequisites: [2041 or #], grad student
Typically offered: Every Fall
Introduction to AI. Problem solving, search, inference techniques. Logic/theorem proving. Knowledge representation, rules, frames, semantic networks. Planning/scheduling. Lisp programming language. prereq: [2041 or instr consent], grad student
CSCI 5521 - Machine Learning Fundamentals
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Problems of pattern recognition, feature selection, measurement techniques. Statistical decision theory, nonstatistical techniques. Automatic feature selection/data clustering. Syntactic pattern recognition. Mathematical pattern recognition/artificial intelligence. Prereq: [2031 or 2033], STAT 3021, and knowledge of partial derivatives
CSCI 5523 - Introduction to Data Mining
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Data pre-processing techniques, data types, similarity measures, data visualization/exploration. Predictive models (e.g., decision trees, SVM, Bayes, K-nearest neighbors, bagging, boosting). Model evaluation techniques, Clustering (hierarchical, partitional, density-based), association analysis, anomaly detection. Case studies from areas such as earth science, the Web, network intrusion, and genomics. Hands-on projects. prereq: 4041 or equiv or instr consent
CSCI 5525 - Machine Learning: Analysis and Methods
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Models of learning. Supervised algorithms such as perceptrons, logistic regression, and large margin methods (SVMs, boosting). Hypothesis evaluation. Learning theory. Online algorithms such as winnow and weighted majority. Unsupervised algorithms, dimensionality reduction, spectral methods. Graphical models. prereq: Grad student or instr consent
CSCI 5551 - Introduction to Intelligent Robotic Systems
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Transformations, kinematics/inverse kinematics, dynamics, control. Sensing (robot vision, force control, tactile sensing), applications of sensor-based robot control, robot programming, mobile robotics, microrobotics. prereq: 2031 or 2033 or instr consent
CSCI 5707 - Principles of Database Systems
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: CSci 4707/CSci 5707/INET 4707
Typically offered: Every Fall
Concepts, database architecture, alternative conceptual data models, foundations of data manipulation/analysis, logical data models, database designs, models of database security/integrity, current trends. prereq: [4041 or instr consent], grad student
EE 5141 - Introduction to Microsystem Technology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Microelectromechanical systems composed of microsensors, microactuators, and electronics integrated onto common substrate. Design, fabrication, and operation principles. Labs on micromachining, photolithography, etching, thin film deposition, metallization, packaging, and device characterization. prereq: [3161, 3601, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5171 - Microelectronic Fabrication
Credits: 3.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Fabrication of microelectronic devices. Silicon integrated circuits, GaAs devices. Lithography, oxidation, diffusion. Process integration of various technologies, including CMOS, double poly bipolar, and GaAs MESFET. prereq: CSE grad student or dept consent
EE 5251 - Optimal Filtering and Estimation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: AEM 5451/EE 5251
Typically offered: Every Fall
Basic probability theory, stochastic processes. Gauss-Markov model. Batch/recursive least squares estimation. Filtering of linear/nonlinear systems. Continuous-time Kalman-Bucy filter. Unscented Kalman filter, particle filters. Applications. prereq: [[[MATH 2243, STAT 3021] or equiv], CSE grad student] or dept consent; 3025, 4231 recommended
EE 5323 - VLSI Design I
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Combinational static CMOS circuits. Transmission gate networks. Clocking strategies, sequential circuits. CMOS process flows, design rules, structured layout techniques. Dynamic circuits, including Domino CMOS and DCVS. Performance analysis, design optimization, device sizing. prereq: [2301, 3115, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5333 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Fundamental circuits for analog signal processing. Design issues associated with MOS/BJT devices. Design/testing of circuits. Selected topics (e.g., modeling of basic IC components, design of operational amplifier or comparator or analog sampled-data circuit filter). prereq: [3115, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5393 - Circuits, Computation, and Biology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Connections between digital circuit design and synthetic/computational biology. Probabilistic, discrete-event simulation. Timing analysis. Information-Theoretic Analysis. Feedback in digital circuits/genetic regulatory systems. Synthesizing stochastic logic and probabilistic biochemistry.
EE 5531 - Probability and Stochastic Processes
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Probability, random variables and random processes. System response to random inputs. Gaussian, Markov and other processes for modeling and engineering applications. Correlation and spectral analysis. Estimation principles. Examples from digital communications and computer networks. prereq: [3025, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5542 - Adaptive Digital Signal Processing
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Design, application, and implementation of optimum/adaptive discrete-time FIR/IIR filters. Wiener, Kalman, and Least-Squares. Linear prediction. Lattice structure. LMS, RLS, and Levinson-Durbin algorithms. Channel equalization, system identification, biomedical/sensor array processing, spectrum estimation. Noise cancellation applications. prereq: [4541, 5531, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5545 - Digital Signal Processing Design
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Real-time implementation of digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms, including filtering, sample-rate conversion, and FFT-based spectral analysis. Implementation on a modern DSP Platform. Processor architecture. Arithmetic operations. Real-time processing issues. Processor limitations. Integral laboratory. prereq: [4541, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5561 - Image Processing and Applications: From linear filters to artificial intelligence
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: EE 5561/EE 8541
Typically offered: Every Spring
Image enhancement, denoising, segmentation, registration, and computational imaging. Sampling, quantization, morphological processing, 2D image transforms, linear filtering, sparsity and compression, statistical modeling, optimization methods, multiresolution techniques, artificial intelligence concepts, neural networks and their applications in classification and regression tasks in image processing. Emphasis is on the principles of image processing. Implementation of algorithms in Matlab/Python and using deep learning frameworks. prereq: [4541, 5581, CSE grad student] or instr consent
EE 5601 - Introduction to RF/Microwave Engineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Fundamentals of EM theory and transmission lines concepts. Transmission lines and network analysis. CAD tool. Lumped circuit component designs. Passive circuit components. Connectivity to central communication theme. prereq: [3601, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5621 - Physical Optics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Physical optics principles, including Fourier analysis of optical systems/images, scalar diffraction theory, interferometry, and coherence theory. Diffractive optical elements, holography, astronomical imaging, optical information processing, microoptics. prereq: [3015, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 8591 - Predictive Learning from Data
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Methods for estimating dependencies from data have been traditionally explored in such diverse fields as: statistics (multivariate regression and classification), engineering (pattern recognition, system identification), computer science (artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining) and bioinformatics. Recent interest in learning methods is triggered by the widespread use of digital technology and availability of data. Unfortunately, developments in each field are seldom related to other fields. This course is concerned with estimation of predictive data-analytic models that are estimated using past data, but are used for prediction or decision making with new data. This course will first present general conceptual framework for learning predictive models from data, using Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) theoretical framework, and then discuss various methods developed in statistics, pattern recognition and machine learning. Course descriptions will emphasize methodological aspects of machine learning, rather than development of ‘new’ algorithms. prereq: CSE grad student or instr consent
EE 8601 - Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Aspects of electromagnetic theory. Review of introductory material. Scattering theory, geometric theory of diffraction, integral equation methods, Green's functions. prereq: 4601 or equiv
HINF 5430 - Foundations of Health Informatics I
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
An introductory survey of health informatics, focusing on foundational concepts. Topics covered include: conceptualizations of data, information, and knowledge; current terminologies, coding, and classification systems for medical information; ethics, privacy, and security; systems analysis, process and data modeling; human-computer interaction and data visualization. Lectures, readings, and exercises highlight the intersections of these topics with electronic health record systems and other health information technology. prereq: Junior, senior, grad student, professional student, or instr consent
HINF 5431 - Foundations of Health Informatics II
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
An introductory survey of health informatics, focusing on applications of informatics concepts and technologies. Topics covered include: health informatics research, literature, and evaluation; precision medicine; decision models; computerized decision support systems; data mining, natural language processing, social media, rule-based system, and other emerging technologies for supporting 'Big Data' applications; security for health care information handling. Lectures, readings, and exercises highlight the intersections of these topics with current information technology for clinical care and research. prereq: Junior, senior, grad student, professional student, or instr consent
HUMF 5001 - Foundations of Human Factors/Ergonomics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: HumF/Kin 5001
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Variability in human performance influenced by interaction with designs of machines/tools, computers/software, complex technological systems, jobs/working conditions, organizations, sociotechnical institutions. Conceptual, empirical, practical aspects of human factors/ergonomics. prereq: Grad HumF major or minor or instr consent
HUMF 5211 - Human Factors and Work Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: HumF 5211/IE 5511/ME 5211
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Human factors engineering (ergonomics), methods engineering, work measurement. Displays, controls, instrument layout, supervisory control. Anthropometry, work physiology, biomechanics. Noise, illumination, toxicology. Operations analysis, motion study, time standards.
IE 5111 - Systems Engineering I
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Overview of systems-level thinking/techniques in context of an integrated, design-oriented framework. Elements of systems engineering process, including lifecycle, concurrent, and global engineering. Framework for engineering large-scale, complex systems. How specific techniques fit into framework. prereq: CSE upper div or grad student
IE 5113 - Systems Engineering II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Systems engineering thinking/techniques presented in 5111. Hands-on techniques applied to specific problems. Topics pertinent to effectiveness of design process. Practices and organizational/reward structure to support collaborative, globally distributed design team.
IE 5511 - Human Factors and Work Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: HumF 5211/IE 5511/ME 5211
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Human factors engineering (ergonomics), methods engineering, and work measurement. Human-machine interface: displays, controls, instrument layout, and supervisory control. Anthropometry, work physiology and biomechanics. Work environmental factors: noise, illumination, toxicology. Methods engineering, including operations analysis, motion study, and time standards. prereq: Upper div CSE or grad student
IE 5522 - Quality Engineering and Reliability
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: IE 3522/IE 5522
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Quality engineering/management, economics of quality, statistical process control design of experiments, reliability, maintainability, availability. prereq: [4521 or equiv], [upper div or grad student or CNR]
IE 5541 - Project Management
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: IE 4541/IE 5541
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Introduction to engineering project management. Analytical methods of selecting, organizing, budgeting, scheduling, and controlling projects, including risk management, team leadership, and program management. prereq: Upper div or grad student
IE 5545 - Decision Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Single-person and group decision problems. Structuring of decision problems arising in personal, business, and public policy contexts. Decision-making under uncertainty, value of information, games of complete information and Nash equilibrium, Bayesian games, group decision-making and distributed consensus, basics of mechanism design. prereq: 3521 or equiv
IE 5553 - Simulation
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: IE 3553/IE 5553
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Discrete event simulation. Using integrated simulation/animation environment to create, analyze, and evaluate realistic models for various industry settings, including manufacturing/service operations and systems engineering. Experimental design for simulation. Selecting input distributions, evaluating simulation output. prereq: Upper div or grad student; familiarity with probability/statistics recommended
KIN 5001 - Foundations of Human Factors/Ergonomics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: HumF/Kin 5001
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Variability in human performance as influenced by interaction with designs of machines and tools, computers and software, complex technological systems, jobs and working conditions, organizations, and sociotechnical institutions. Emphasizes conceptual, empirical, practical aspects of human factors/ergonomic science.
KIN 5643 - Applied Motion Capture and Movement Analysis Technology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Course provides students with the knowledge and tools to effectively analyze human movement patterns in a wide variety of field-based settings, such as assessing sport skill performance or measuring movement deficits after injury. Students will comprehend the basic, underlying components of movement and movement deficits. It is strongly suggested students have taken Physics, Biomechanics, and Human Anatomy. Credit will not be received if taken KIN 5720: Special Topics in Kinesiology with the topic title, Sport Movement Analysis.
MATH 5248 - Cryptology and Number Theory
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Classical cryptosystems. One-time pads, perfect secrecy. Public key ciphers: RSA, discrete log. Euclidean algorithm, finite fields, quadratic reciprocity. Message digest, hash functions. Protocols: key exchange, secret sharing, zero-knowledge proofs. Probablistic algorithms: pseudoprimes, prime factorization. Pseudo-random numbers. Elliptic curves. prereq: 2 sems soph math
MATH 5445 - Mathematical Analysis of Biological Networks
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Development/analysis of models for complex biological networks. Examples taken from signal transduction networks, metabolic networks, gene control networks, and ecological networks. prereq: Linear algebra, differential equations
MATH 5447 - Theoretical Neuroscience
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Nonlinear dynamical system models of neurons and neuronal networks. Computation by excitatory/inhibitory networks. Neural oscillations, adaptation, bursting, synchrony. Memory systems. prereq: 2243 or 2373 or 2574
MATH 5587 - Elementary Partial Differential Equations I
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Emphasizes partial differential equations w/physical applications, including heat, wave, Laplace's equations. Interpretations of boundary conditions. Characteristics, Fourier series, transforms, Green's functions, images, computational methods. Applications include wave propagation, diffusions, electrostatics, shocks. prereq: [2243 or 2373 or 2573], [2263 or 2374 or 2574]
MATH 5651 - Basic Theory of Probability and Statistics
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 5651/Stat 5101
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Logical development of probability, basic issues in statistics. Probability spaces, random variables, their distributions/expected values. Law of large numbers, central limit theorem, generating functions, sampling, sufficiency, estimation. prereq: [2263 or 2374 or 2573], [2243 or 2373]; [2283 or 2574 or 3283] recommended.
MATH 5652 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Random walks, Markov chains, branching processes, martingales, queuing theory, Brownian motion. prereq: 5651 or Stat 5101
MATH 8202 - General Algebra
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Classical field theory through Galois theory, including solvable equations. Symmetric, Hermitian, orthogonal, and unitary form. Tensor and exterior algebras. Basic Wedderburn theory of rings; basic representation theory of groups. prereq: 8201 or instr consent
MATH 8253 - Algebraic Geometry
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Curves, surfaces, projective space, affine and projective varieties. Rational maps. Blowing-up points. Zariski topology. Irreducible varieties, divisors. prereq: 8202 or instr consent
MATS 8001 - Structure and Symmetry of Materials
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Comprehensive description of structure of materials, including metals, semiconductors, organic crystals, polymers, and liquid crystals. Atomic and molecular ordering, influence of intermolecular forces on symmetry and structure. Principles of scattering and use of X-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction. prereq: MatS and ChEn majors must take this course for a grade
MATS 8002 - Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
First three laws of thermodynamics, free energy, equilibrium constants, fugacity and activity relationships, solution models, order-disorder transitions, phase transitions. Elementary statistical mechanics. Applications to materials systems, including surface energies, multicomponent equilibria, reaction kinetics, mass transport, diffusion.
MATS 8003 - Electronic Properties
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Basic physical theory of bonding in metals, alloys, and semiconductors. Review of modern physics, statistical physics, and solid state physics. Structure of matter emphasizing electronic processes. Techniques for predicting and understanding electronic structure of solids. Transport theory, elementary theory of magnetism, and superconductivity. prereq: instr consent
ME 5228 - Introduction to Finite Element Modeling, Analysis, and Design
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Finite elements as principal analysis tool in computer-aided design (CAD); theoretical issues and implementation aspects for modeling and analyzing engineering problems encompassing stress analysis, heat transfer, and flow problems for linear situations. One-, two-, and three-dimensional practical engineering applications. prereq: CSE upper div or grad, 3221, AEM 3031, CSci 1113, MatS 2001
ME 5241 - Computer-Aided Engineering
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Apply computer-aided engineering to mechanical design. Engineering design projects and case studies using computer-aided design and finite element analysis software; design optimization and computer graphical presentation of results. prereq: 3222, CSci 1113 or equiv, CSE upper div or grad
ME 5243 - Advanced Mechanism Design
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Summer
Analytical methods of kinematic, dynamic, and kinetoelastodynamic analysis and synthesis of mechanisms. Computerized design for function, path, and motion generation based on Burmeister theory. prereq: CSE upper div or grad, 3222 or equiv, basic kinematics and dynamics of machines; knowledge of CAD packages such as Pro-E recommended
ME 5247 - Applied Stress Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Spring Odd Year
Intermediate-level solid mechanics with application to common machine elements such as unsymmetrical beams, non-circular shafts and plates. Stress functions. Introduction to energy methods for stress analysis. Experimental methods for measuring strains and determining related stresses, with lab. prereq: AEM 3031, MatS 2001, ME 3221
ME 5281 - Feedback Control Systems
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Continuous and discrete time feedback control systems. Frequency response, stability, poles and zeros; transient responses; Nyquist and Bode diagrams; root locus; lead-lag and PID compensators, Nichols-Ziegler design method. State-space modeling/control. Digital implementation. Computer-aided design and analysis of control systems. prereq: 3281
ME 5286 - Robotics
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
The course deals with two major components: robot manipulators (more commonly known as the robot arm) and image processing. Lecture topics covered under robot manipulators include their forward and inverse kinematics, the mathematics of homogeneous transformations and coordinate frames, the Jacobian and velocity control, task programming, computational issues related to robot control, determining path trajectories, reaction forces, manipulator dynamics and control. Topics under computer vision include: image sensors, digitization, preprocessing, thresholding, edge detection, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification techniques. A weekly 2 hr. laboratory lasting for 8-9 weeks, will provide students with practical experience using and programming robots; students will work in pairs and perform a series of experiments using a collaborative robot. prereq: [3281 or equiv], [upper div ME or AEM or CSci or grad student]
ME 5341 - Case Studies in Thermal Engineering and Design
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Characteristics of applied heat transfer problems. Nature of problem specification, incompleteness of needed knowledge base, accuracy issues. Categories of applied heat transfer problems. prereq: 3333, CSE upper div or grad student
ME 5351 - Computational Heat Transfer
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Numerical solution of heat conduction/analogous physical processes. Develop/use computer program to solve complex problems involving steady/unsteady heat conduction, flow/heat transfer in ducts, flow in porous media. prereq: 3333, CSE upper div or grad student
ME 8254 - Fundamentals of Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Major classes, components, and applications of MEMS. Principles behind operation of MEMS devices/ systems. Standard microfabrication techniques. Unique requirements, environments, and applications of MEMS. Students apply microfabrication techniques/applications to design/manufacture of a MEMS device or microsystem.
ME 8341 - Conduction
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Advanced understanding/application of conduction/diffusion to heat/mass transfer problems. Solving ordinary/partial differential equations related to physics of diffusion. Special topics in numerical microscale heat transfer. prereq: Undergrad class in heat transfer or instr consent
ME 8342 - Convection
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Heat transfer in fluids flowing around bodies and in tubes/ducts. Forced/natural convection. Laminar/turbulent flow regimes. Turbulent transport and modeling. High-speed flows, viscous dissipation, variable property effects. Application to heat exchange devices. Convective mass transfer. prereq: Grad level course on fundamentals of fluid mechanics that has a substantial component on viscous flows or instr consent
ME 8343 - Radiation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Advanced radiation heat transfer problems. Physics foundation for radiation. Materials properties. Radiation transfer problems. Solution methods for integro-differential equations. Statistical methods. Multi-mode heat transfer. prereq: Undergrad class in heat transfer or instr consent
ME 8345 - Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Finite volume method for solution of governing equations for heat transfer and fluid flow. Mathematical models of turbulence. Construction of general computer program. Practical applications. prereq: CSE grad student
MPHY 5170 - Radiation Therapy Physics I
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Theoretical/experimental aspects of radiological physics. Physical properties of various ionizing radiations, interactions of ionizing radiations with matter, methods of radiation dose measurement. prereq: instr consent
MPHY 5171 - Medical and Health Physics of Imaging I
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BPhy 5171/TRad 7171
Typically offered: Every Fall
Physics of diagnostic imaging: specification/quantification of image quality, X-ray production, image receptors, magnetic resonance imaging, radiation exposure and protection. Special imaging techniques, including mammography, computed tomography, and direct digital image capture. prereq: 5170 or instr consent
MPHY 5174 - Medical and Health Physics of Imaging II
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BPhy 5174/TRad 7174
Typically offered: Every Spring
Physics of diagnostic imaging. Ultrasound, theoretical/experimental applications of radionuclides in medicine and biology. Counting statistics and imaging systems associated with radiopharmaceuticals, radiation dosimetry, and safety in nuclear medicine. prereq: 5170 or instr consent
MPHY 5178 - Physical Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Magnetic resonance imaging physics, spatial selection and encoding, imaging hardware and system engineering. Imaging sequences, signal-to-noise, and contrast.
MPHY 8147 - Advanced Physics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and MRI physics, spatial selection and encoding, imaging hardware and system engineering. Imaging sequences, associated contrast/resolution. Recent developments in MRI. prereq: 5174 or instr consent
NSC 5202 - Theoretical Neuroscience: Systems and Information Processing
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: NSc 5202/Phsl 5202
Typically offered: Every Spring
Concepts of computational/theoretical neuroscience. Distributed representations and information theory. Methods for single-cell modeling, including compartmental/integrate-and-fire models. Learning rules, including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning models. Specific systems models from current theoretical neuroscience literature. Lecture/discussion. Readings from current scientific literature. prereq: [3101, 3102W] recommended
OBIO 8027 - Biomaterials in Regenerative Dentistry
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
Describes most modern research strategies that are being developed by interdisciplinary groups to obtain revolutionary materials for its use in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The central role of biotechnology, nanotechnology, and biomimetics in these research strategies is highlighted. Focus on dental applications is provided. prereq: Dental specialist or oral research trainee or instr consent
PDES 5704 - Computer-Aided Design Methods
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
This class provides an overview of how to make high-quality digital computer-based models of existing and conceptual products and interactions. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Axure for two-dimensional design and digital prototyping. Students will also learn SolidWorks and KeyShot for three-dimensional solid modeling and rendering. prereq: Senior or grad student
PHM 8431 - Controlled Drug and Gene Delivery: Materials, Mechanisms, and Models
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 8431/PHM 8431
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Physical, chemical, physiological, cell biological, mathematical principles underlying design of delivery systems for drugs. Small molecules, proteins, genes. prereq: Differential equations course including introduction to partial differential equations or instr consent
PHYS 5081 - Introduction to Biopolymer Physics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Phys 4911/5081
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to biological and soft condensed matter physics. Emphasizes physical ideas necessary to understand behavior of macromolecules and other biological materials. prereq: PHYS 2201 or equivalent
PSY 5038W - Introduction to Neural Networks (WI)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
Parallel distributed processing models in neural/cognitive science. Linear models, Hebbian rules, self-organization, non-linear networks, optimization, representation of information. Applications to sensory processing, perception, learning, memory. prereq: [[3061 or NSC 3102], [MATH 1282 or 2243]] or instr consent
PSY 5065 - Functional Imaging: Hands-on Training
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Basic neuroimaging techniques/functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). First half of semester covers basic physical principles. Second half students design/execute fMRI experiment on Siemens 3 Tesla scanner. prereq: [3801 or equiv], [3061 or NSCI 3101], instr consent
PUBH 6450 - Biostatistics I
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
This course will cover the fundamental concepts of exploratory data analysis and statistical inference for univariate and bivariate data, including: ? study design and sampling methods, ? descriptive and graphical summaries, ? random variables and their distributions, ? interval estimation, ? hypothesis testing, ? relevant nonparametric methods, ? simple regression/correlation, and ? introduction to multiple regression. There will be a focus on analyzing data using statistical programming software and on communicating the results in short reports. Health science examples from the research literature will be used throughout the course. prereq: [College-level algebra, health sciences grad student] or instr consent
PUBH 6451 - Biostatistics II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
This course will cover more advanced aspects of statistical analysis methods with a focus on statistical modeling, including: ? two-way ANOVA, ? multiple linear regression, ? logistic regression, ? Poisson regression, ? log binomial and ordinal regression, ? survival analysis methods, including Kaplan-Meier analysis and proportional hazards (Cox) regression, ? power and sample size, and ? survey sampling and analysis. There will be a focus on analyzing data using statistical programming software and on communicating the results in short reports. Health science examples from the research literature will be used throughout the course. prereq: [PubH 6450 with grade of at least B, health sciences grad student] or instr consent
PUBH 7440 - Introduction to Bayesian Analysis
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to Bayesian methods. Comparison with traditional frequentist methods. Emphasizes data analysis via modern computing methods: Gibbs sampler, WinBUGS software package. prereq: [[7401 or STAT 5101 or equiv], [public health MPH or biostatistics or statistics] grad student] or instr consent
PUBH 7475 - Statistical Learning and Data Mining
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Various statistical techniques for extracting useful information (i.e., learning) from data. Linear discriminant analysis, tree-structured classifiers, feed-forward neural networks, support vector machines, other nonparametric methods, classifier ensembles, unsupervised learning. prereq: [[[6450, 6452] or equiv], programming backgroud in [FORTRAN or C/C++ or JAVA or Splus/R]] or instr consent; 2nd yr MS recommended
RSC 5135 - Advanced Biomechanics I: Kinematics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: RSc 5135/RSc 8135
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
How to describe/measure movement. Basic/applied biomechanics, pathokinesiology, and rehabilitation literature. Lecture, lab, seminar discussion. Meets with RSC 8135. prereq: instr consent
RSC 5235 - Advanced Biomechanics II: Kinetics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Forces that create human motion and are produced within body as a result. Measuring human motion. Clinical movement assessment, Exercise, sport, and activities of daily living. Two-dimensional rigid body dynamics models, forward/inverse dynamics solutions, hypotheses to describe whole body/joint kinetics. Lectures, lab, discussion. prereq: 5135 or equiv or instr consent
RSC 5841 - Applied Data Acquisition and Processing
Credits: 3.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Spring Odd Year
This course will introduce students to collecting and processing biomedical time series data. Students will gain experience using data acquisition hardware common in many laboratories, as well as related software for acquisition of the data and digital signal processing. Data sources will include electromyography (EMG), wearable sensors, motion capture, and data from other systems based on the background and interests of students in the class. The overall goal of this course is to provide students with the necessary, fundamental skills to run a successful experiment, troubleshoot errors, and produce high quality data sets. prereq: prefer students to have completed general physics, introductory of short calculus
RSC 8135 - Human Kinematics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: RSc 5135/RSc 8135
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
How to describe/measure movement. Basic/applied biomechanics, pathokinesiology, and rehabilitation literature. Lecture, lab, seminar discussion. Meets in conjunction with RSC 5135. prereq: [Rehabilitation science student or program permission], instr consent
RSC 8235 - Human Kinetics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: RSC 5235/RSC 8235
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Forces that create human motion or are produced within body as a result of motion. Measuring kinetics of motion. Clinical movement assessment. Measuring/analyzing exercise, sport, and activities for transfer of forces within body. Two-dimensional rigid body dynamics. Forward/inverse dynamics. Hypotheses for whole body/joint kinetics. Lectures, lab experiments, discussion. Meets with RSC 5235. prereq: [5135 or equiv] or instr consent
STAT 5021 - Statistical Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Intensive introduction to statistical methods for graduate students needing statistics as a research technique. prereq: college algebra or instr consent; credit will not be granted if credit has been received for STAT 3011
STAT 5101 - Theory of Statistics I
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Logical development of probability, basic issues in statistics. Probability spaces. Random variables, their distributions and expected values. Law of large numbers, central limit theorem, generating functions, multivariate normal distribution. prereq: (MATH 2263 or MATH 2374 or MATH 2573H), (MATH 2142 or CSCI 2033 or MATH 2373 or MATH 2243)
STAT 5102 - Theory of Statistics II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Sampling, sufficiency, estimation, test of hypotheses, size/power. Categorical data. Contingency tables. Linear models. Decision theory. prereq: [5101 or Math 5651 or instr consent]
STAT 5302 - Applied Regression Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Simple, multiple, and polynomial regression. Estimation, testing, prediction. Use of graphics in regression. Stepwise and other numerical methods. Weighted least squares, nonlinear models, response surfaces. Experimental research/applications. prereq: 3032 or 3022 or 4102 or 5021 or 5102 or instr consent Please note this course generally does not count in the Statistical Practice BA or Statistical Science BS degrees. Please consult with a department advisor with questions.
BMEN 8402 - New Product Design and Business Development
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 8402/Entr 6087/PDes 8722
Prerequisites: 8401
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Student teams work with CSE and CSOM faculty and company representatives to develop a product concept for sponsoring company. Assignments include concept/detail design, manufacturing, marketing, introduction strategy, profit forecasting, production of product prototype. prereq: 8401
BTHX 5100 - Introduction to Clinical Ethics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Healthcare is full of gray areas, high stakes situations, and tensions between personal and professional values. This course explores the moral nature of the healthcare professions and common values-based conflicts in clinical practice. By examining everyday cases, exploring current issues in healthcare, and developing habits of reflective practice, learners will have the opportunity to recognize and respond to moral uncertainties that arise in the interprofessional clinical environment. The course presents practical knowledge and skills needed for ethics deliberation and decision making. This is a blended instruction course where students can expect a majority of sessions held in-person and occasional online sessions.
BTHX 5120 - Dying in Contemporary Medical Culture
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Examines practices of dying and death in contemporary U.S. culture, moral problems associated with these practices, possible solutions, and practical applications. Readings will consist of cultural critiques, bioethics literature, and empirical research.
BTHX 5210 - Ethics of Human Subjects Research
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Issues in ethics of human subjects research. prereq: Grad student or instr consent
BTHX 5300 - Foundations of Bioethics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Overview of major contemporary frameworks used to approach ethical issues in bioethics. prereq: Grad student or instr consent
BTHX 5325 - Biomedical Ethics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Bthx 5325/Phil 5325
Typically offered: Every Fall
This online course examines contemporary issues in bioethics, focusing on practical issues that arise in clinical care, public health, and health policy settings. The course also introduces conceptual frameworks and methods to analyze these issues, though the emphasis will be on challenges faced by patients and their loved ones, health professionals, and policy makers, not on ethical theory. To fully understand and evaluate these complex issues, it is critical that we consider them from a diversity of perspectives. Hence, we will spend most of our time in class discussion, openly and respectfully listening to and engaging with each other in interdisciplinary/interprofessional conversation. Class meetings will be fully online via Zoom; no in-person meetings will be required. This course has been approved for Interprofessional Education (IPE) credit for health professions students. prereq: Jr or sr or grad student or instr consent.
BTHX 5650 - Disability Ethics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Spring Odd Year
This course is an examination of ethical issues pertaining to disability, with an emphasis on discussion and consideration of widely contrasting perspectives. Issues discussed include physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, selective abortion, cochlear implant technology, sterilization, special versus inclusive education, Universal Design/Universal Instructional Design, disability accommodations, and built and social environments, examined within social, legal, policy, and cultural environments. Assignments include, readings, viewings, journaling, field projects, and research papers.
BTHX 8120 - Dying in Contemporary Medical Culture
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Examines practices of dying and death in contemporary U.S. culture, moral problems associated with these practices, possible solutions, and practical applications. Readings will consist of cultural critiques, bioethics literature, and empirical research.
BTHX 8610 - Medical Consumerism
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Two related movements have emerged in American health care. The first is an emphasis on medical enhancement, or the use of medical technologies to improve the looks, performance and psychological well-being of people who are healthy. The second is the submission of the American health care system to the machinery of consumer capitalism. This seminar will use an interdisciplinary set of texts to explore the implications of medical consumerism. How is the consumerist model of medicine shaping our concepts of disease and disability? What larger historical developments have led to our current situation? How are the tools of medical enhancement shaping the way we think about our identities and the way we live our lives? Teaching modality: In-Person Classes.
CMB 5912 - Creativity
Credits: 1.0 [max 1.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Creativity will be explored and used to provide new perspectives on a variety of professional goals, activities and challenges. Lectures will be followed by a mixture of individual and group activities to provide a guided exploration of how these creative approaches can be applied to many situations. Students will learn skills to expand their vision, become more adept at problem solving, design more innovative research, inspire themselves and others and become more fascinating communicators.
MILI 6235 - Pharmaceutical Industry: Business and Policy
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Business/policy issues specific to pharmaceutical industry. Interdisciplinary perspectives, active involvement by industry leaders.
MILI 6995 - Medical Industry Valuation Laboratory
Credits: 2.0 [max 6.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Interdisciplinary student teams create rapid production market analysis of promising medical technologies/services to determine potential for success in market. Exposure to University innovations, venture firms, inventors. prereq: Grad student
MOT 5001 - Technological Business Fundamentals
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Provides scientists and engineers with a working knowledge of the broader business context in which science and technology ideas are translated into solutions that address market needs and generate economic value. This two-unit course will broaden students? business knowledge and project leadership abilities, enabling technical professionals to increase their business impact and career success. The three modules of the course will build practical knowledge and skills in (1) project leadership, professionalism, teamwork, and effective communication, (2) the process of innovation (i.e., transforming technical ideas into value-creating solutions) and (3) business acumen fundamentals. prereq: Degree seeking or non-degree graduate students
MOT 5002 - Creating Technological Innovation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
This hands-on, project-based course provides students the perspective of a Technology Leader of an organization or product team. Details the innovation process, from an idea's inception through impact in the economy, regardless of organizational setting. Explores how solutions are developed to become ready for broader market deployment. Includes testing and development of the problem-solution fit, probing of solutions for robustness, and testing of both technical and operational scaling of proposed solutions. Examines the human aspects of innovation, specifically issues of team building and readiness. Considers the broader system for innovation, including the role of key stakeholders in shaping its success in order to arrive at an impactful solution. Addresses intellectual property, the effect of regulations and social and cultural differences across varied global markets, and the personal skills necessary to align and manage these issues. prereq: Degree seeking or non-degree graduate students.
MOT 5003 - Technological Business Planning Workshop
Credits: 1.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Applies lessons of 5001 or 5002 directly to technology of the student's choosing, possibly thesis topic. Aspects of strategic technology plan or business plan, culminating in presentation of plan. Must be taken in parallel with 5001 or 5002. prereq: Degree seeking or non-degree graduate students. Student must also enroll for MOT 5001 or MOT 5002.
MPHY 5040 - Introduction to Medical Physics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Interactions and energy deposition by ionizing radiation in matter; medical imaging; radiation therapy physics and related radiation safety topics.
PDES 5701 - User-Centered Design Studio
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
This class provides a studio-based overview of user-centered product design and development processes. Students will practice both user and market research, creativity and idea generation tools, concept evaluation/selection techniques, prototyping methods for concept development and communication, and user testing. This class will also cover fundamentals of intellectual property and manufacturing. In this studio, students will apply these skills towards the development of a product concept.
PDES 5702 - Visual Communication
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
This class provides an overview of sketching, manual rendering and Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign for communication of conceptual product design. Topics covered will include free-hand perspective drawing of simple/complex geometries, line weight/quality, shading/shadow, design details and annotations, as well as image editing, vector graphics, and multi-page layout design. There will be weekly drawing assignments and critique of work.
PDES 5704 - Computer-Aided Design Methods
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
This class provides an overview of how to make high-quality digital computer-based models of existing and conceptual products and interactions. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Axure for two-dimensional design and digital prototyping. Students will also learn SolidWorks and KeyShot for three-dimensional solid modeling and rendering. prereq: Senior or grad student
PSY 5036W - Computational Vision (WI)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Applications of psychology, neuroscience, computer science to design principles underlying visual perception, visual cognition, action. Compares biological/physical processing of images with respect to image formation, perceptual organization, object perception, recognition, navigation, motor control. prereq: [[3031 or 3051], [Math 1272 or equiv]] or instr consent
PUBH 6161 - Regulatory Toxicology
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
In-depth introduction to laws (and associated regulations) of U.S. federal regulatory agencies, such as CPSC, EPA, FDA, OSHA, and DOT, that require/use toxicological data/information in their mission of protecting human/environmental health. prereq: Background in toxicology or pharmacology or related field is recommended
PUBH 6414 - Biostatistical Literacy
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Develop ability to read/interpret statistical results in primary literature. Minimal calculation. No formal training in any statistical programming software. Biostatistical Literacy will cover the fundamental concepts of study design, descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, odds ratios, relative risks, adjusted models in multiple linear, logistic and Poisson regression, and survival analysis. The focus will be when to use a given method and how to interpret the results, not the actual computation or computer programming to obtain results from raw data. prereq: MPH or certificate student or environmental health or instr consent
PUBH 7415 - Introduction to Clinical Trials
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: PubH 3415/PubH 7415
Typically offered: Every Fall & Summer
Hypotheses/endpoints, choice of intervention/control, ethical considerations, blinding/randomization, data collection/monitoring, sample size, analysis, writing. Protocol development, group discussions. prereq: 6414 or 6450 or one semester graduate-level introductory biostatistics or statistics or instr consent
RSC 5106 - Introduction to Rehabilitation Science
Credits: 1.0 [max 1.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
This is one of a series of seminar courses that prepares students to think critically in reading and discussing the literature in rehabilitation science and to speak and write persuasively on scientific topics. This semester, the seminar will focus on the past, present, and future of rehabilitation science. This course will include lecture presentations from rehabilitation science faculty for the first 50 minutes of the weekly class time, as well as discussion/interaction sessions planned jointly by assigned students and faculty for the second 50 minute session each week.
SLHS 5606 - Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Description of the range of augmentative and alternative communication applications for persons with developmental and acquired disabilities. Topics include assessment, intervention strategies, progress monitoring, generalization, and maintenance; collateral behavior resulting from AAC applications.
SLHS 5802 - Hearing Aids I
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Survey of modern hearing aids including history of development, electroacoustic functions, clinic and laboratory measurement techniques, sound field acoustics, techniques for selection. prereq: [[3305, 4801] or [CDIS 3305, CDIS 4801], SLHS grad] or instr consent
SLHS 5804 - Cochlear Implants
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Spring Odd Year
Implantable auditory prostheses. History of device development, including cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants. Signal processing. Techniques for selection, fitting, and rehabilitation. Behavioral/physiological changes across life span. prereq: [[4802, 5801, 5802] or [CDIS 4802, CDIS 5801, CDIS 5802], SLHS grad] or instr consent
SLHS 8802 - Hearing Aids II
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Instrumentation and methods for fitting and evaluating personal hearing aids; ear impression techniques and materials; repair and modification of hearing aids. prereq: 5802 or Cdis 5802 or instr consent
BMEN 8777 - Thesis Credits: Master's
Credits: 1.0 -18.0 [max 50.0]
Grading Basis: No Grade
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
(No description) prereq: Max 18 cr per semester or summer; 10 cr total required [Plan A only]
BMEN 8820 - Plan B Project
Credits: 2.0 -3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Project chosen by student and adviser to satisfy M.S. Plan B project requirement. Written report required. prereq: BMEn MS student
AEM 5451 - Optimal Estimation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: AEM 5451/EE 5251
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Basic probability theory. Batch/recursive least squares estimation. Filtering of linear/non-linear systems using Kalman and extended Kalman filters. Applications to sensor fusion, fault detection, and system identification. prereq: [[MATH 2243 or STAT 3021 or equiv], [4321 or EE 4231 or ME 5281 or equiv]] or instr consent
AEM 5501 - Continuum Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Concepts common to all continuous media; elements of tensor analysis; motion, deformation, vorticity; material derivatives; mass, continuity equation; balance of linear, angular momentum; geometric characterization of stress; constitutive equations. prereq: CSE upper div or grad, 3031, Math 2243 or equiv or instr consent
AEM 5503 - Theory of Elasticity
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to the theory of elasticity, with emphasis on linear elasticity. Linear and nonlinear strain measures, boundary-value problem for linear elasticity, plane problems in linear elasticity, three dimensional problems in linear elasticity. Topics from nonlinear elasticity, micromechanics, contact problems, fracture mechanics. prereq: 4501 or equiv, Math 2263 or equiv or instr consent
AEM 8233 - Multi-phase Flows: Fundamentals, Measurement, and Modeling
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Introduction to fluid flows with multiple interacting phases, with emphasis on cases in which a dispersed phase is carried by a continuous one. Droplet dynamics, bubbly flows and bubble-induced fluctuations, particle-turbulence interaction. Fundamentals of measurement techniques and modeling approaches. Elements of rheology for complex and active fluids.
AEM 8511 - Advanced Topics in Continuum Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 6.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Constitutive equations; invariance and thermodynamic restrictions. Nonlinear elasticity theory; exact solutions, minimization, stability. Non-Newtonian fluids; viscometric flows, viscometric functions, normal stress. Other topics may include reactive and/or nonreactive mixtures, nonlinear plasticity, and deformable electromagnetic continua. prereq: 5501 or instr consent
BMEN 5111 - Biomedical Ultrasound
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to biomedical ultrasound, including physics of ultrasound, transducer technology, medical ultrasound imaging, photoacoustic imaging, applications of non-linear acoustics, and high-intensity ultrasound. prereq: [[PHYS 1302 or equiv], [MATH 2374 or equiv]] or instr consent
BMEN 5201 - Advanced Biomechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Introduction to biomechanics of musculoskeletal system. Anatomy, tissue material properties. Kinematics, dynamics, and control of joint/limb movement. Analysis of forces/motions within joints. Application to injury, disease. Treatment of specific joints, design of orthopedic devices/implants. prereq: [[3001 or equiv], [CSE upper div or grad student]] or instr consent
BMEN 5311 - Advanced Biomedical Transport Processes
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 5311/ChEn 5753/ME 5381
Typically offered: Every Spring
Fluid flow and mass transfer in the body, bioreactors, and medical devices. Pulsatile flows. Flows around curved and deformable vessels. Boundary layer flows. Blood rheology. Interstitial (porous media) flows. Oxygenation. Cell migration. Student critiques of published papers.
BMEN 8101 - Biomedical Digital Signal Processing
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Signal processing theory for analyzing real world digital signals. Digital signal processing and mathematically derived algorithms for analysis of stochastic signals. Spectral analyses, noise cancellation, optimal filtering, blind source separation, beamforming techniques. prereq: [[MATH 2243 or MATH 2373], [MATH 2263 or MATH 2374]] or equiv
BMEN 8201 - Advanced Tissue Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Tissues exist in dynamic mechanical environments where they must maintain a fine balance between applied loads and internal tension. Active adaptability of biological materials can significantly complicate measurement of their mechanical behavior. This course will cover fundamental continuum approaches for determining the complex stress states of actively responsive tissues as well as the force-feedback relationships that drive early development and allow mature tissues to maintain mechanical equilibrium. Topics will include theoretical approaches for active force generation, soft tissue finite growth, extracellular matrix remodeling, and constrained mixtures. These methods are applicable to a wide range of biomechanical systems. In this course, they will be applied to mechanics of two model systems: arterial growth and remodeling in hypertension and sheet folding in early organogenesis and morphogenesis. prereq: 3011 or AEM 2021 or equiv
BMEN 8381 - Bioheat and Mass Transfer
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 8381/ME 8381
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Analytical/numerical tools to analyze heat/mass transfer phenomenon in cryobiological, hyperthermic, other biomedically relevant applications. prereq: CSE grad student, upper div transport/fluids course; [physics, biology] recommended
BMEN 8431 - Controlled Drug and Gene Delivery: Materials, Mechanisms, and Models
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: BMEn 8431/PHM 8431
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Physical, chemical, physiological, mathematical principles underlying design of delivery systems for drugs. Small molecules, proteins, genes. Temporal controlled release. prereq: Differential equations course including partial differential equations or instr consent
BMEN 8501 - Dynamical Systems in Biology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Nonlinear dynamics with specific emphasis on behavior of excitable systems (neurons/cardiac myocytes). prereq: Grad student in engineering or physics or math or physiology or neuroscience
BMEN 8502 - Physiological Control Systems
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Prerequisites: 8101 or equiv
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Simulation, identification, and optimization of physiological control systems. Linear and non-linear systems analysis, stability analysis, system identification, and control design strategies, including constrained, adaptive, and intelligent control. Analysis and control of physiological system dynamics in normal and diseased states. prereq: 8101 or equiv
CEGE 8401 - Fundamentals of Finite Element Method
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Prerequisites: 4411 or #
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Elements of calculus of variations; weak and strong formulations of linear continuum and structural problems. Isoparametric elements and numerical integration. Basic concepts of error analysis and convergence. Analysis of plates and shells. Introduction to mixed methods and time dependent problems. prereq: 4411 or instr consent
CHEN 8101 - Fluid Mechanics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Equations of change of mass, momentum, angular momentum. Kinematics of deformation, convective transport. Applications to fluid statics/dynamics of Newtonian fluids. Examples of exact solutions of Navier-Stokes equations, useful simplifications. prereq: Chemical engineering grad student or instr consent
CHEN 8201 - Applied Math
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ChEn 4701/ChEn 8201
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Integrated approach to solving linear mathematical problems. Linear algebraic equations. Linear ordinary and partial differential equations using theoretical/numerical analysis based on linear operator theory. prereq: Chemical engineering grad student or instr consent
CHEN 8402 - Statistical Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to statistical mechanical description of equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of matter. Emphasizes fluids, classical statistical mechanics. prereq: Chemical engineering grad student or instr consent
CHEN 8754 - Systems Analysis of Biological Processes
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Relating biological processes at molecular level to physiological level of cells/organisms/populations. Methodology for analyzing data. Quantification of molecular interplays. prereq: Grad student in [life sciences or chemical/physical sciences or engineering]; ChEn students must take A/F
CSCI 5521 - Machine Learning Fundamentals
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Problems of pattern recognition, feature selection, measurement techniques. Statistical decision theory, nonstatistical techniques. Automatic feature selection/data clustering. Syntactic pattern recognition. Mathematical pattern recognition/artificial intelligence. Prereq: [2031 or 2033], STAT 3021, and knowledge of partial derivatives
CSCI 5525 - Machine Learning: Analysis and Methods
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Models of learning. Supervised algorithms such as perceptrons, logistic regression, and large margin methods (SVMs, boosting). Hypothesis evaluation. Learning theory. Online algorithms such as winnow and weighted majority. Unsupervised algorithms, dimensionality reduction, spectral methods. Graphical models. prereq: Grad student or instr consent
EE 5251 - Optimal Filtering and Estimation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: AEM 5451/EE 5251
Typically offered: Every Fall
Basic probability theory, stochastic processes. Gauss-Markov model. Batch/recursive least squares estimation. Filtering of linear/nonlinear systems. Continuous-time Kalman-Bucy filter. Unscented Kalman filter, particle filters. Applications. prereq: [[[MATH 2243, STAT 3021] or equiv], CSE grad student] or dept consent; 3025, 4231 recommended
EE 5531 - Probability and Stochastic Processes
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Probability, random variables and random processes. System response to random inputs. Gaussian, Markov and other processes for modeling and engineering applications. Correlation and spectral analysis. Estimation principles. Examples from digital communications and computer networks. prereq: [3025, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5542 - Adaptive Digital Signal Processing
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Design, application, and implementation of optimum/adaptive discrete-time FIR/IIR filters. Wiener, Kalman, and Least-Squares. Linear prediction. Lattice structure. LMS, RLS, and Levinson-Durbin algorithms. Channel equalization, system identification, biomedical/sensor array processing, spectrum estimation. Noise cancellation applications. prereq: [4541, 5531, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5545 - Digital Signal Processing Design
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Real-time implementation of digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms, including filtering, sample-rate conversion, and FFT-based spectral analysis. Implementation on a modern DSP Platform. Processor architecture. Arithmetic operations. Real-time processing issues. Processor limitations. Integral laboratory. prereq: [4541, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5561 - Image Processing and Applications: From linear filters to artificial intelligence
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: EE 5561/EE 8541
Typically offered: Every Spring
Image enhancement, denoising, segmentation, registration, and computational imaging. Sampling, quantization, morphological processing, 2D image transforms, linear filtering, sparsity and compression, statistical modeling, optimization methods, multiresolution techniques, artificial intelligence concepts, neural networks and their applications in classification and regression tasks in image processing. Emphasis is on the principles of image processing. Implementation of algorithms in Matlab/Python and using deep learning frameworks. prereq: [4541, 5581, CSE grad student] or instr consent
EE 5601 - Introduction to RF/Microwave Engineering
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Fundamentals of EM theory and transmission lines concepts. Transmission lines and network analysis. CAD tool. Lumped circuit component designs. Passive circuit components. Connectivity to central communication theme. prereq: [3601, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 5621 - Physical Optics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Physical optics principles, including Fourier analysis of optical systems/images, scalar diffraction theory, interferometry, and coherence theory. Diffractive optical elements, holography, astronomical imaging, optical information processing, microoptics. prereq: [3015, CSE grad student] or dept consent
EE 8591 - Predictive Learning from Data
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
Methods for estimating dependencies from data have been traditionally explored in such diverse fields as: statistics (multivariate regression and classification), engineering (pattern recognition, system identification), computer science (artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining) and bioinformatics. Recent interest in learning methods is triggered by the widespread use of digital technology and availability of data. Unfortunately, developments in each field are seldom related to other fields. This course is concerned with estimation of predictive data-analytic models that are estimated using past data, but are used for prediction or decision making with new data. This course will first present general conceptual framework for learning predictive models from data, using Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) theoretical framework, and then discuss various methods developed in statistics, pattern recognition and machine learning. Course descriptions will emphasize methodological aspects of machine learning, rather than development of ‘new’ algorithms. prereq: CSE grad student or instr consent
IE 5522 - Quality Engineering and Reliability
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: IE 3522/IE 5522
Typically offered: Periodic Fall & Spring
Quality engineering/management, economics of quality, statistical process control design of experiments, reliability, maintainability, availability. prereq: [4521 or equiv], [upper div or grad student or CNR]
MATH 5248 - Cryptology and Number Theory
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Classical cryptosystems. One-time pads, perfect secrecy. Public key ciphers: RSA, discrete log. Euclidean algorithm, finite fields, quadratic reciprocity. Message digest, hash functions. Protocols: key exchange, secret sharing, zero-knowledge proofs. Probablistic algorithms: pseudoprimes, prime factorization. Pseudo-random numbers. Elliptic curves. prereq: 2 sems soph math
MATH 5445 - Mathematical Analysis of Biological Networks
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Development/analysis of models for complex biological networks. Examples taken from signal transduction networks, metabolic networks, gene control networks, and ecological networks. prereq: Linear algebra, differential equations
MATH 5447 - Theoretical Neuroscience
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Nonlinear dynamical system models of neurons and neuronal networks. Computation by excitatory/inhibitory networks. Neural oscillations, adaptation, bursting, synchrony. Memory systems. prereq: 2243 or 2373 or 2574
MATH 5587 - Elementary Partial Differential Equations I
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Emphasizes partial differential equations w/physical applications, including heat, wave, Laplace's equations. Interpretations of boundary conditions. Characteristics, Fourier series, transforms, Green's functions, images, computational methods. Applications include wave propagation, diffusions, electrostatics, shocks. prereq: [2243 or 2373 or 2573], [2263 or 2374 or 2574]
MATH 5651 - Basic Theory of Probability and Statistics
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 5651/Stat 5101
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Logical development of probability, basic issues in statistics. Probability spaces, random variables, their distributions/expected values. Law of large numbers, central limit theorem, generating functions, sampling, sufficiency, estimation. prereq: [2263 or 2374 or 2573], [2243 or 2373]; [2283 or 2574 or 3283] recommended.
MATH 5652 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Random walks, Markov chains, branching processes, martingales, queuing theory, Brownian motion. prereq: 5651 or Stat 5101
MATH 8202 - General Algebra
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Classical field theory through Galois theory, including solvable equations. Symmetric, Hermitian, orthogonal, and unitary form. Tensor and exterior algebras. Basic Wedderburn theory of rings; basic representation theory of groups. prereq: 8201 or instr consent
MATH 8253 - Algebraic Geometry
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Curves, surfaces, projective space, affine and projective varieties. Rational maps. Blowing-up points. Zariski topology. Irreducible varieties, divisors. prereq: 8202 or instr consent
ME 5228 - Introduction to Finite Element Modeling, Analysis, and Design
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Finite elements as principal analysis tool in computer-aided design (CAD); theoretical issues and implementation aspects for modeling and analyzing engineering problems encompassing stress analysis, heat transfer, and flow problems for linear situations. One-, two-, and three-dimensional practical engineering applications. prereq: CSE upper div or grad, 3221, AEM 3031, CSci 1113, MatS 2001
ME 5351 - Computational Heat Transfer
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Numerical solution of heat conduction/analogous physical processes. Develop/use computer program to solve complex problems involving steady/unsteady heat conduction, flow/heat transfer in ducts, flow in porous media. prereq: 3333, CSE upper div or grad student
ME 8341 - Conduction
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Advanced understanding/application of conduction/diffusion to heat/mass transfer problems. Solving ordinary/partial differential equations related to physics of diffusion. Special topics in numerical microscale heat transfer. prereq: Undergrad class in heat transfer or instr consent
ME 8342 - Convection
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Heat transfer in fluids flowing around bodies and in tubes/ducts. Forced/natural convection. Laminar/turbulent flow regimes. Turbulent transport and modeling. High-speed flows, viscous dissipation, variable property effects. Application to heat exchange devices. Convective mass transfer. prereq: Grad level course on fundamentals of fluid mechanics that has a substantial component on viscous flows or instr consent
ME 8343 - Radiation
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Advanced radiation heat transfer problems. Physics foundation for radiation. Materials properties. Radiation transfer problems. Solution methods for integro-differential equations. Statistical methods. Multi-mode heat transfer. prereq: Undergrad class in heat transfer or instr consent
ME 8345 - Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Finite volume method for solution of governing equations for heat transfer and fluid flow. Mathematical models of turbulence. Construction of general computer program. Practical applications. prereq: CSE grad student
MPHY 8147 - Advanced Physics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and MRI physics, spatial selection and encoding, imaging hardware and system engineering. Imaging sequences, associated contrast/resolution. Recent developments in MRI. prereq: 5174 or instr consent
PSY 5038W - Introduction to Neural Networks (WI)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
Parallel distributed processing models in neural/cognitive science. Linear models, Hebbian rules, self-organization, non-linear networks, optimization, representation of information. Applications to sensory processing, perception, learning, memory. prereq: [[3061 or NSC 3102], [MATH 1282 or 2243]] or instr consent
PUBH 6450 - Biostatistics I
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
This course will cover the fundamental concepts of exploratory data analysis and statistical inference for univariate and bivariate data, including: ? study design and sampling methods, ? descriptive and graphical summaries, ? random variables and their distributions, ? interval estimation, ? hypothesis testing, ? relevant nonparametric methods, ? simple regression/correlation, and ? introduction to multiple regression. There will be a focus on analyzing data using statistical programming software and on communicating the results in short reports. Health science examples from the research literature will be used throughout the course. prereq: [College-level algebra, health sciences grad student] or instr consent
PUBH 6451 - Biostatistics II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
This course will cover more advanced aspects of statistical analysis methods with a focus on statistical modeling, including: ? two-way ANOVA, ? multiple linear regression, ? logistic regression, ? Poisson regression, ? log binomial and ordinal regression, ? survival analysis methods, including Kaplan-Meier analysis and proportional hazards (Cox) regression, ? power and sample size, and ? survey sampling and analysis. There will be a focus on analyzing data using statistical programming software and on communicating the results in short reports. Health science examples from the research literature will be used throughout the course. prereq: [PubH 6450 with grade of at least B, health sciences grad student] or instr consent
PUBH 7440 - Introduction to Bayesian Analysis
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Introduction to Bayesian methods. Comparison with traditional frequentist methods. Emphasizes data analysis via modern computing methods: Gibbs sampler, WinBUGS software package. prereq: [[7401 or STAT 5101 or equiv], [public health MPH or biostatistics or statistics] grad student] or instr consent
PUBH 7475 - Statistical Learning and Data Mining
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Various statistical techniques for extracting useful information (i.e., learning) from data. Linear discriminant analysis, tree-structured classifiers, feed-forward neural networks, support vector machines, other nonparametric methods, classifier ensembles, unsupervised learning. prereq: [[[6450, 6452] or equiv], programming backgroud in [FORTRAN or C/C++ or JAVA or Splus/R]] or instr consent; 2nd yr MS recommended
STAT 5021 - Statistical Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Intensive introduction to statistical methods for graduate students needing statistics as a research technique. prereq: college algebra or instr consent; credit will not be granted if credit has been received for STAT 3011
STAT 5101 - Theory of Statistics I
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Logical development of probability, basic issues in statistics. Probability spaces. Random variables, their distributions and expected values. Law of large numbers, central limit theorem, generating functions, multivariate normal distribution. prereq: (MATH 2263 or MATH 2374 or MATH 2573H), (MATH 2142 or CSCI 2033 or MATH 2373 or MATH 2243)
STAT 5102 - Theory of Statistics II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Sampling, sufficiency, estimation, test of hypotheses, size/power. Categorical data. Contingency tables. Linear models. Decision theory. prereq: [5101 or Math 5651 or instr consent]
STAT 5302 - Applied Regression Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Simple, multiple, and polynomial regression. Estimation, testing, prediction. Use of graphics in regression. Stepwise and other numerical methods. Weighted least squares, nonlinear models, response surfaces. Experimental research/applications. prereq: 3032 or 3022 or 4102 or 5021 or 5102 or instr consent Please note this course generally does not count in the Statistical Practice BA or Statistical Science BS degrees. Please consult with a department advisor with questions.
STAT 5303 - Designing Experiments
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Analysis of variance. Multiple comparisons. Variance-stabilizing transformations. Contrasts. Construction/analysis of complete/incomplete block designs. Fractional factorial designs. Confounding split plots. Response surface design. prereq: 3022 or 3032 or 3301 or 4102 or 5021 or 5102 or instr consent
STAT 5401 - Applied Multivariate Methods
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Bivariate and multivariate distributions. Multivariate normal distributions. Analysis of multivariate linear models. Repeated measures, growth curve, and profile analysis. Canonical correlation analysis. Principal components and factor analysis. Discrimination, classification, and clustering. pre-req: STAT 3032 or 3301 or 3022 or 4102 or 5021 or 5102 or instr consent Although not a formal prerequisite of this course, students are encouraged to have familiarity with linear algebra prior to enrolling. Please consult with a department advisor with questions.