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Health and Wellness Coaching Minor

D Applied Human Sciences
College of Education and Human Service Professions
  • Program Type: Undergraduate free-standing minor
  • Requirements for this program are current for Fall 2022
  • Required credits in this minor: 22 to 24
The Health and Wellness Coaching Minor offers the basic skills and knowledge consistent with a career or interest in health and wellness coaching. A health/wellness coach is a supportive mentor who helps others feel their best through lifestyle changes that meet their unique needs. Students will learn to assess the current health/wellness needs of clients through course work such as Human Nutrition, Health and Wellness Strategies for Life, and Facilitating Healthy Lifestyles. The Health and Wellness Coaching Minor will then provide further instructional options to aid in areas the student would like to pursue such as Exercise Adherence, Behavioral Analysis and Behavioral Change, and Cross-Cultural Psychology. These courses will assist the student in learning how to set goals and develop plans of action to work towards the clients’ desired outcomes.
Program Delivery
This program is available:
  • via classroom (the majority of instruction is face-to-face)
Admission Requirements
Students must complete 30 credits before admission to the program.
For information about University of Minnesota admission requirements, visit the Office of Admissions website.
Required prerequisites
Admission Requirements (10 cr)
HLTH 1100 - Health and Wellness Strategies for Life [LE CAT8, SUSTAIN] (3.0 cr)
HLTH 1470 - Human Nutrition [LE CAT, NAT SCI] (3.0 cr)
PSY 2021 - Developmental Psychology [LE CAT, LECD C, SOC SCI, CDIVERSITY] (3.0 cr)
Minor Requirements
Core (6 cr)
HLTH 4400 cannot be applied to both Public Health BASc and the Health and Wellness Coaching Minor.
HLTH 3400 - Facilitating Healthy Lifestyle Change (3.0 cr)
HLTH 4400 - Professional Health Coaching (3.0 cr)
Electives (6 cr)
Courses taken cannot be applied to both Public Health BASc and the Health and Wellness Coaching Minor.
Take 2 or more course(s) totaling 6 or more credit(s) from the following:
· EXSC 3210 - Exercise Adherence (3.0 cr)
· EXSC 3410 - Exercise Metabolism and Nutrition (3.0 cr)
· HLTH 3117 - Principles of Sex Education (3.0 cr)
· HLTH 3118 - Women's Health Issues (3.0 cr)
· HLTH 3202 - Drug Education (2.0 cr)
· HLTH 3341 - Encountering Death and Grief: A Cross-Cultural Journey [CDIVERSITY] (3.0 cr)
· PSY 3051 - Cross-cultural Psychology (3.0 cr)
· PSY 3215 - Topics in Human Sexuality (3.0 cr)
· PSY 3613 - Applied Behavior Analysis and Behavior Change (3.0 cr)
· PSY 4500 - Health Psychology (3.0 cr)
· SW 1619 - Race, Class, and Gender in the United States [LE CAT, LECD C, RACE JUST] (3.0 cr)
· SW 4101 - Human Behavior in Social Environment (3.0 cr)
· WS 2101 - Women, Race, and Class [LE CAT8, LECD CAT08, SOC SCI, CDIVERSITY] (3.0 cr)
· WS 4925 - Sociology of Rape (3.0 cr)
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HLTH 1100 - Health and Wellness Strategies for Life (LE CAT8, SUSTAIN)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Hlth1100/1000
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
This course is designed to help students create and sustain wellbeing throughout their lives. By understanding how environmental, biological, socio-economic, and social influences affect their health, students can be empowered to make positive behavioral changes that benefit themselves and society. The dimensions of wellness serve as the foundation for making sustainable choices related to nutrition, fitness, mental/emotional wellbeing, and other areas of personal health. The importance of goal setting and social support will be emphasized through an individualized health behavior project.
HLTH 1470 - Human Nutrition (LE CAT, NAT SCI)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Emphasis on chemical nature of dietary nutrients, physiological and metabolic aspects of human nutrition, effects of diet on human health, interpretation of nutrition informatics, and global issues in health and nutrition.
PSY 2021 - Developmental Psychology (LE CAT, LECD C, SOC SCI, CDIVERSITY)
Credits: 3.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Major processes in human development, conception through lifespan; biological and cultural influences on physical-motor, cognitive, social, and emotional development; effects of diverse cultural traditions and values; social policy implications.
HLTH 3400 - Facilitating Healthy Lifestyle Change
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Facilitation skills in health behavior change for individuals or small groups. Emphasis on theories and principles of behavior change, health coaching ethics/strategies, interpersonal skills, treatment planning, professional and technical writing, and HIPAA-compliant records management. Includes assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating behavior change processes. prereq: HLTH 1100, HLTH 1470, Public Health or Pre-Public Health major with Community Health Education/Promotion concentration, or Public Health minor, or Health and Wellness Coaching minor or instructor consent
HLTH 4400 - Professional Health Coaching
Credits: 3.0 [max 6.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
This course allows students to hone their health coaching skills learned in HLTH 3400 Facilitating Healthy Lifestyle Change. Through individual or small group sessions, students will provide weekly health coaching to a variety of clients (e.g. students, working adults, aging adults, and/or community members) who have a range of health goals and ability levels. Students will develop leadership and management skills as they collaborate as a coaching team, manage appointments, maintain professional records, and evaluate the effectiveness of health coaching interventions. For students who want to pursue a career in health coaching , this course may be taken twice in order to gain added experience. pre-req: HLTH 3400, Health and Wellness Coaching minor, or instructor consent
EXSC 3210 - Exercise Adherence
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Fundamental concepts of exercise psychology. Physical activity models of involvement; exercise determinates and correlates; exercise interventions. prereq: HLTH 2030. minimum 60 credits, Exercise &Rehabilitation Science major or instructor consent
EXSC 3410 - Exercise Metabolism and Nutrition
Credits: 3.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Physiology of metabolism and nutrients in humans undertaking intentional physical activity in rehabilitation, recreation, exercise, sport and competition. prereq: HLTH 2030, minimum 60 credits, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences major, or instructor consent
HLTH 3117 - Principles of Sex Education
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Planning and implementing comprehensive sex education programs in various settings. Sexual physiology, sociocultural aspects of sexuality, birth control, prevention of STDs/HIV, teen pregnancy, and other current topics. How community and family values affect sex education. prereq: minimum 30 credits
HLTH 3118 - Women's Health Issues
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Survey of American women's health issues. Role of women as patients and as health care providers. Language, politics, and economics of women's health care. Comparison of American women's health status to that of women around the world. prereq: Minimum 30 credits
HLTH 3202 - Drug Education
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Physiological and psychological effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Survey of societal causes and effects of drug use and abuse. Reasons and pressures for drug use by students. Appraisal and assessment of teacher's role in education, intervention, and treatment of drug abuse. Minimum 30 credits, for students seeking and admitted to the STEP (Secondary Teaching Education program), Public Health or Pre-Public Health or Physical Education or Exercise Science or Communication Sciences and Disorders major, or Public Health minor, or instructor consent.
HLTH 3341 - Encountering Death and Grief: A Cross-Cultural Journey (CDIVERSITY)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Grief, loss, death, dying, and bereavement in our society as understood by children, adolescents, and adults. Review of research and current literature; education program planning strategies for individuals associated with schools, agencies, organizations, or worksites. prereq: credit will not be granted if already received for 5341
PSY 3051 - Cross-cultural Psychology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Spring & Summer
Role of culture on behavior. Universal versus culture-specific aspects of psychological principles. Definition of culture, methodology, development of self and others, cognition, attitudes, emotions, applications in organizations, therapy, well-being. prereq: 1003 or instructor consent
PSY 3215 - Topics in Human Sexuality
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Psy 3215/3216
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Biological and psychosocial factors relating to human sexuality, sexual functioning, gender, and related issues. Group discussion of societal factors, values, and attitudes and their impact on behavior. prereq: 1003 or instructor consent
PSY 3613 - Applied Behavior Analysis and Behavior Change
Credits: 3.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall, Spring & Summer
Overview of diverse topics and application of the principles of the science of behavior known as behavior analysis. The philosophical system known as behaviorism that underlies this area of study will be explored, as well as the application of behavioral principles to a number of areas of society, including interpersonal relationship, parenting, clinical applications and treatments for persons with intellectual and other disabilities, business and management, animal behavior, health, sustainability, and more. Students will learn techniques for utilizing the principles of behavior in their own lives, conducting functional behavior assessments, as well as the social benefits associated with the incorporation of behavioral principles into educational, rehabilitative, organizational, and other settings. prereq: 1003
PSY 4500 - Health Psychology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Concepts, issues, and methods of health psychology; health maintenance and illness prevention integrating biological, psychological, and social factors; utilization of health psychological assessments; and interdisciplinary aspects of health psychology. prereq: 1003, min 60 cr or instructor consent
SW 1619 - Race, Class, and Gender in the United States (LE CAT, LECD C, RACE JUST)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Race, class, and gender as pivotal dimensions in American society. Similarities and differences between groups, dynamics of discrimination, and efforts to meet needs and achieve potential for all groups in America.
SW 4101 - Human Behavior in Social Environment
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Overview of social psychological and social systems concepts. Applications of concepts to social work and human service issues. Focus on individuals, human development, families, groups, organization, communities, and society/culture. prereq: 1000 (concurrent registration is allow); admissions to Social Work major or instructor consent; no grad credit
WS 2101 - Women, Race, and Class (LE CAT8, LECD CAT08, SOC SCI, CDIVERSITY)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Racism, sexism, and classism are major factors which have influenced human relations from past to present. This course examines how the social-historical construction of race, class and gender continues to affect the experience of all people in particular people of color. This course seeks to enable students to understand the processes through which these social oppressions are created, normalized, internalized, maintained and perpetuated. A core element to this course is provoking students to recognize their own contribution in perpetuating oppressive systems, and their responsibility creatively to develop individual and collective acts of resistance to all of the "isms" and to societal transformation towards the just society.
WS 4925 - Sociology of Rape
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Soc 4925/WS 4925
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Periodic Spring & Summer
Social, moral, and legal definitions and implications of rape. prereq: ANTH 1604 or CRIM 1301 or SOC 1101 or WS 1000 and 60 cr earned, or instructor consent