University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus

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RSC 5200 - Introduction to Neuromodulation
Credits: 1.0 -3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Fall Even Year
This course will provide training in the theory, biophysics and evidence-based application of non-invasive magnetic and electric brain stimulation in humans. Course content will be delivered in three modules: (1) safety and administration of non-invasive brain stimulation, (2) neuromodulation methods, and (3) advanced assessment and modeling techniques. All registered students must take module #1. Testing methods will include various methods to assess intracortical, transcallosal and interhemispheric excitability. Neuromodulation methods presented will include non-invasive and invasive forms of brain stimulation. Hands-on instruction and laboratory applications will be provided for cortical excitability testing using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as well as for other non-invasive forms of brain stimulation. Those enrolled will both administer and receive non-invasive brain stimulation and will be asked to sign a consent form. Specific safety exclusion criteria for receiving non-invasive brain stimulation exist and enrollees who have questions should contact the Division of Rehabilitation Science.