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Program Sample Plan

Program name: Secondary Education
Sub-plan: Life Science 9-12
Sample Plan: Life Science 9-12
Total Credits: 72.0
The sample plan below shows you one of several possible ways to complete this degree. Your academic plan may look different if you have already fulfilled some requirements, if you have multiple course options to choose from in your major, or if courses don't fit your schedule in a given term. Use Graduation Planner to make your customized plan, and work with your academic adviser to ensure that you are on track to graduate on time.
Year 1 - Fall Semester: 8.0 cr
BIOL 1111 - Fundamentals of Genetics, Evolution, and Development : 3.0 cr : SCI
CHEM 1101 - General Chemistry I : 5.0 cr : SCI-L
Year 1 - Spring Semester: 4.0 cr
BIOL 2101 - Evolution of Biodiversity : 4.0 cr : SCI-L
Year 2 - Fall Semester: 8.0 cr
BIOL 2111 - Cell Biology : 4.0 cr : SCI-L
BIOL 3131 - Ecology : 4.0 cr : ENVT
Year 2 - Spring Semester: 4.0 cr
BIOL 3121 - Molecular Biology : 4.0 cr : SCI-L
Year 3 - Fall Semester: 11.0 cr
CMR 1052 - Introduction to Public Speaking : 2.0 cr : E/CR : Preferred Course
BIOL 4901 - Senior Seminar : 1.0 cr
MATH 1021 - Survey of Calculus : 4.0 cr : M/SR
STAT 1601 - Introduction to Statistics : 4.0 cr : M/SR
Year 3 - Spring Semester: 12.0 cr
ED 2121 - Introduction to Education : 4.0 cr : SS
ED 2111 - Tutor-Aide Experience : 1.0 cr
PSY 2581 - Drugs and Human Behavior : 2.0 cr : SS
BIOL 3701W - Biological Communication II : 1.0 cr
BIOL 4312 - Genetics : 4.0 cr
Year 4 - Fall Semester: 12.0 cr
SEED 4102 - Teaching and Learning Strategies : 2.0 cr
SEED 4103 - Field Experience in the Middle and Secondary School : 4.0 cr
SEED 4104 - Equity, Diversity, and Justice in Education : 2.0 cr : HDIV
SEED 4105 - Reading and Literacy in the Content Areas : 2.0 cr
ED 4121 - Strategies for Inclusive Schooling : 2.0 cr
Year 4 - Spring Semester: 13.0 cr
SEED 4201 - Directed Student Teaching in the Middle and Secondary School : 12.0 cr : HDIV
ED 4901 - The Teacher and Professional Development : 1.0 cr