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Program Sample Plan

Program name: Physics B.A.
Sample Plan: Physics B.A.
Total Credits: 120.0
The sample plan below shows you one of several possible ways to complete this degree. Your academic plan may look different if you have already fulfilled some requirements, if you have multiple course options to choose from in your major, or if courses don't fit your schedule in a given term. Use Graduation Planner to make your customized plan, and work with your academic adviser to ensure that you are on track to graduate on time.
Year 1 - Fall Semester: 14.0 cr
UST 1000 - Learning in Community : 1.0 cr
PHYS 1021 - Exploring Current Topics in Physics : 1.0 cr
MATH 1296 - Calculus I : 5.0 cr : LE CAT, LOGIC & QR
LE (LE CAT1) :3.0 cr
LE (LEIP CAT07) :4.0 cr
Year 1 - Spring Semester: 15.0 cr
PHYS 2011 - General Physics I : 4.0 cr : LE CAT4, NAT SCI
MATH 1297 - Calculus II : 5.0 cr : LOGIC & QR
LE (LE CAT3) :3.0 cr
LE (LECD CAT06) :3.0 cr
Year 2 - Fall Semester: 15.0 cr
PHYS 2012 - General Physics II : 4.0 cr
MATH 3280 - Differential Equations with Linear Algebra : 4.0 cr
LE (LE CAT10) :2.0 cr
LE (LE CAT5) :5.0 cr
Year 2 - Spring Semester: 14.0 cr
PHYS 2021 - Relativity and Quantum Physics : 4.0 cr
PHYS 2022 - Classical Physics : 4.0 cr
PHYS 2033 - Classical and Quantum Physics Lab : 2.0 cr
MATH 3298 - Calculus III : 4.0 cr
Year 3 - Fall Semester: 15.0 cr
PHYS 4001 - Classical Mechanics : 4.0 cr
WRIT 3130 - Advanced Writing: Engineering : 3.0 cr
Elective :8.0 cr
Year 3 - Spring Semester: 16.0 cr
PHYS 4011 - Electromagnetic Theory : 4.0 cr
LE (LE CAT8) :3.0 cr
Elective :9.0 cr
Year 4 - Fall Semester: 16.0 cr
PHYS 4031 - Thermal and Statistical Physics : 4.0 cr
Elective :12.0 cr
Year 4 - Spring Semester: 15.0 cr
PHYS 5090 - Physics Seminar : 1.0 cr
LE (LE CAT9) :3.0 cr
Elective :11.0 cr