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Twin Cities Campus

Mathematics Minor

CLA Dean's Office
College of Liberal Arts
  • Program Type: Undergraduate minor related to major
  • Requirements for this program are current for Fall 2012
  • Required credits in this minor: 24 to 28
Students complete all the lower-division requirements in the mathematics major, plus two upper-division electives. See the mathematics major description for information on the utility of a mathematics degree.
Program Delivery
This program is available:
  • via classroom (the majority of instruction is face-to-face)
Minor Requirements
Students may earn no more than one undergraduate degree in mathematics: a B.A. or a B.S. or a minor.
Minor Courses
Note: qualified honors students can substitute MATH 3592H & 3593H for MATH 2243/2373/2574H, MATH 2263/2374/2573H, and MATH 2283/3283W. See your UHP adviser for final consent. Those who take the MATH 3592H & 3593H series will need to complete a minimum total of 24 credits for the minor. Those who do not complete this honors series will need to complete a minimum total of 25 credits for the minor.
Calculus I
MATH 1271 - Calculus I [MATH] (4.0 cr)
or MATH 1371 - CSE Calculus I [MATH] (4.0 cr)
or MATH 1571H - Honors Calculus I [MATH] (4.0 cr)
Calculus II
MATH 1272 - Calculus II (4.0 cr)
or MATH 1372 - CSE Calculus II (4.0 cr)
or MATH 1572H - Honors Calculus II (4.0 cr)
Linear Algebra & Differential Equations
MATH 2243 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (4.0 cr)
or MATH 2373 - CSE Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (4.0 cr)
or MATH 2574H - Honors Calculus IV (4.0 cr)
Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2263 - Multivariable Calculus (4.0 cr)
or MATH 2374 - CSE Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis (4.0 cr)
or MATH 2573H - Honors Calculus III (4.0 cr)
Sequences, Series, & Foundations
MATH 2283 {Inactive} (3.0 cr)
or MATH 3283W - Sequences, Series, and Foundations: Writing Intensive [WI] (4.0 cr)
Selection of MATH course electives for the minor requires department adviser approval.
MATH 4xxx-5xxx
Take 2 or more course(s) totaling 6 or more credit(s) from the following:
· MATH 4xxx
· MATH 5xxx
or Theory of Statistics
STAT 5101 - Theory of Statistics I (4.0 cr)
STAT 5102 - Theory of Statistics II (4.0 cr)
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MATH 1271 - Calculus I (MATH)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1271/1281/1371/1471/1571H
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including polynomial, rational, exponential, and trig functions. Applications, including optimization and related rates problems. Single variable integral calculus, using anti-derivatives and simple substitution. Applications may include area, volume, work problems. prereq: 4 yrs high school math including trig or satisfactory score on placement test or grade of at least C- in [1151 or 1155]
MATH 1371 - CSE Calculus I (MATH)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1271/1281/1371/1471/1571H
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Differentiation of single-variable functions, basics of integration of single-variable functions. Applications: max-min, related rates, area, curve-sketching. Use of calculator, cooperative learning. prereq: CSE or pre-bioprod concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in biosys engn (PRE), background in [precalculus, geometry, visualization of functions/graphs], instr consent; familiarity with graphing calculators recommended
MATH 1571H - Honors Calculus I (MATH)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1271/1281/1371/1471/1571H
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Differential/integral calculus of functions of a single variable. Emphasizes hard problem-solving rather than theory. prereq: Honors student and permission of University Honors Program
MATH 1272 - Calculus II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1272/Math 1282/Math 1372/
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Techniques of integration. Calculus involving transcendental functions, polar coordinates. Taylor polynomials, vectors/curves in space, cylindrical/spherical coordinates. prereq: [1271 or equiv] with grade of at least C-
MATH 1372 - CSE Calculus II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1272/Math 1282/Math 1372/
Typically offered: Every Spring
Techniques of integration. Calculus involving transcendental functions, polar coordinates, Taylor polynomials, vectors/curves in space, cylindrical/spherical coordinates. Use of calculators, cooperative learning. prereq: Grade of at least C- in [1371 or equiv], CSE or pre-Bioprod/Biosys Engr
MATH 1572H - Honors Calculus II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1272/Math 1282/Math 1372/
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Continuation of 1571. Infinite series, differential calculus of several variables, introduction to linear algebra. prereq: 1571H (or equivalent) honors student
MATH 2243 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2243/Math 2373/Math 2574H
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Linear algebra: basis, dimension, matrices, eigenvalues/eigenvectors. Differential equations: first-order linear, separable; second-order linear with constant coefficients; linear systems with constant coefficients. prereq: [1272 or 1282 or 1372 or 1572] w/grade of at least C-
MATH 2373 - CSE Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2243/Math 2373/Math 2574H
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Linear algebra: basis, dimension, eigenvalues/eigenvectors. Differential equations: linear equations/systems, phase space, forcing/resonance, qualitative/numerical analysis of nonlinear systems, Laplace transforms. Use of computer technology. prereq: [1272 or 1282 or 1372 or 1572] w/grade of at least C-, CSE or pre-Bio Prod/Biosys Engr
MATH 2574H - Honors Calculus IV
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2243/Math 2373/Math 2574H
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Advanced linear algebra, differential equations. Additional topics as time permits. prereq: Math 1572H or Math 2573H, honors student and permission of University Honors Program
MATH 2263 - Multivariable Calculus
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2263/Math 2374/Math 2573H
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Derivative as linear map. Differential/integral calculus of functions of several variables, including change of coordinates using Jacobians. Line/surface integrals. Gauss, Green, Stokes Theorems. prereq: [1272 or 1372 or 1572] w/grade of at least C-
MATH 2374 - CSE Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2263/Math 2374/Math 2573H
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Derivative as linear map. Differential/integral calculus of functions of several variables, including change of coordinates using Jacobians. Line/surface integrals. Gauss, Green, Stokes theorems. Use of computer technology. prereq: [1272 or 1282 or 1372 or 1572] w/grade of at least C-, CSE or pre-Bioprod/Biosys Engr
MATH 2573H - Honors Calculus III
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2263/Math 2374/Math 2573H
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Integral calculus of several variables. Vector analysis, including theorems of Gauss, Green, Stokes. prereq: Math 1572H (or equivalent), honors student
MATH 3283W - Sequences, Series, and Foundations: Writing Intensive (WI)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2283/3283W
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Introduction to reasoning used in advanced mathematics courses. Logic, mathematical induction, real number system, general/monotone/recursively defined sequences, convergence of infinite series/sequences, Taylor's series, power series with applications to differential equations, Newton's method. Writing-intensive component. prereq: [concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 2243 or concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 2263 or concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 2373 or concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 2374] w/grade of at least C-
STAT 5101 - Theory of Statistics I
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Logical development of probability, basic issues in statistics. Probability spaces. Random variables, their distributions and expected values. Law of large numbers, central limit theorem, generating functions, multivariate normal distribution. prereq: (MATH 2263 or MATH 2374 or MATH 2573H), (MATH 2142 or CSCI 2033 or MATH 2373 or MATH 2243)
STAT 5102 - Theory of Statistics II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Sampling, sufficiency, estimation, test of hypotheses, size/power. Categorical data. Contingency tables. Linear models. Decision theory. prereq: [5101 or Math 5651 or instr consent]