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Earth Sciences B.S. Earth Sciences

Department of Earth Sciences
College of Science and Engineering
  • Program Type: Baccalaureate
  • Requirements for this program are current for Fall 2012
  • Required credits to graduate with this degree: 120
  • Required credits within the major: 49
  • This program requires summer terms.
  • NA
  • Degree: Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences
Earth sciences is the study of the composition, structure, and history of the Earth and of the processes that operate on and within it, with emphasis on the crust, oceans, and atmosphere. The department's programs emphasize applications of physics, chemistry, and biology to understanding the Earth. Earth scientists are employed in a wide range of fields, including exploration for and development of natural resources (hydrocarbons, minerals, groundwater); environmental science; urban planning; education; and oceanography. Potential employers include the oil, gas, and minerals industries; environmental consultants; federal and private research institutions; universities; schools; and government agencies. An advanced degree is usually required for a career in research or teaching.
Program Delivery
This program is available:
  • via classroom (the majority of instruction is face-to-face)
Admission Requirements
Students must complete 5 courses before admission to the program.
Freshman and transfer students are usually admitted to pre-major status before admission to this major.
Students interested in the earth sciences as a major may want to consider taking ESCI 1001 or other ESCI 1xxx course, which can be counted as an elective.
For information about University of Minnesota admission requirements, visit the Office of Admissions website.
Required prerequisites
MATH 1271 - Calculus I [MATH] (4.0 cr)
or MATH 1371 - CSE Calculus I [MATH] (4.0 cr)
Required prerequisites
Chemistry I
CHEM 1061 - Chemical Principles I [PHYS] (3.0 cr)
CHEM 1065 - Chemical Principles I Laboratory [PHYS] (1.0 cr)
or CHEM 1071H - Honors Chemistry I [PHYS] (3.0 cr)
CHEM 1075H - Honors Chemistry I Laboratory [PHYS] (1.0 cr)
Required prerequisites
PHYS 1301W - Introductory Physics for Science and Engineering I [PHYS, WI] (4.0 cr)
or PHYS 1401V - Honors Physics I [PHYS, WI] (4.0 cr)
Required prerequisites
Earth Sciences
ESCI 2201 - Solid Earth Dynamics (4.0 cr)
ESCI 2301 - Mineralogy (3.0 cr)
General Requirements
All students in baccalaureate degree programs are required to complete general University and college requirements including writing and liberal education courses. For more information about University-wide requirements, see the liberal education requirements. Required courses for the major, minor or certificate in which a student receives a D grade (with or without plus or minus) do not count toward the major, minor or certificate (including transfer courses).
Program Requirements
MATH 1272 - Calculus II (4.0 cr)
or MATH 1372 - CSE Calculus II (4.0 cr)
MATH 2243 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (4.0 cr)
or MATH 2263 - Multivariable Calculus (4.0 cr)
or MATH 2373 - CSE Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (4.0 cr)
or MATH 2374 - CSE Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis (4.0 cr)
CHEM 1062 - Chemical Principles II [PHYS] (3.0 cr)
CHEM 1066 - Chemical Principles II Laboratory [PHYS] (1.0 cr)
or CHEM 1072H - Honors Chemistry II [PHYS] (3.0 cr)
CHEM 1076H - Honors Chemistry II Laboratory [PHYS] (1.0 cr)
PHYS 1302W - Introductory Physics for Science and Engineering II [PHYS, WI] (4.0 cr)
or PHYS 1402V - Honors Physics II [PHYS, WI] (4.0 cr)
Major Courses
Major core courses required for all focus groups.
ESCI 2202 - Earth History (4.0 cr)
ESCI 2203 - Earth Surface Dynamics (4.0 cr)
ESCI 3202 - Fluid Earth Dynamics (4.0 cr)
ESCI 3303W - Geochemical Principles [WI] (4.0 cr)
ESCI 3891 - Field Methods (2.0 cr)
Take introductory field geology (ESCI 3911) and choose one advanced field course from advanced field geology (ESCI 4911) or field hydrogeology (ESCI 4971W).
ESCI 3911 - Introductory Field Geology (4.0 cr)
ESCI 4911 - Advanced Field Geology (4.0 cr)
or ESCI 4971W - Field Hydrogeology [WI] (4.0 cr)
Technical Electives
Take 8 credits of additional elective courses in physical and natural sciences or mathematics, chosen in consultation with an adviser.
Elective sciences
Upper Division Requirements
The general requirement for completion of upper division is 26 credits in consultation with the director of undergraduate studies. Students may choose one of six focus groups (geology, geophysics, biogeoscience, hydrogeology, geochemistry, or environmental geology) for a recommended list of upper division courses.
Earth Sciences Focus Groups
ESCI 2302 - Petrology (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4501 - Structural Geology (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4602 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4702 - General Hydrogeology (4.0 cr)
ESCI 4701 - Geomorphology (4.0 cr)
or ESCI 4703 - Glacial Geology (4.0 cr)
10-11 additional ESCI credits with at least 7 credits at 4xxx or 5xxx levels.
ESCI 2302 - Petrology (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4211 {Inactive} (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4501 - Structural Geology (3.0 cr)
MATH 2374 - CSE Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis (4.0 cr)
PHYS 2303 - Physics III: Physics of Matter (4.0 cr)
or PHYS 2503 - Physics III: Intro to Waves, Optics, and Special Relativity (4.0 cr)
Choice of two from
Take 2 or more course(s) from the following:
· ESCI 4203 - Environmental Geophysics (3.0 cr)
· ESCI 4204 - Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism (3.0 cr)
· ESCI 4212 - Geodynamics (3.0 cr)
· ESCI 5203 - Mineral and Rock Physics (3.0 cr)
· ESCI 5205 {Inactive} (3.0 cr)
Take 3 or more credit(s) from the following:
· ESCI 4xxx
· ESCI 5xxx
ESCI 4602 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4801 - Geomicrobiology (3.0 cr)
ESCI 5302 - Isotope Geology (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4401 - Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry (3.0 cr)
or ESCI 4402 - Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean (3.0 cr)
14 additional ESCI credits at least 9 at 4xxx or 5xxx
ESCI 4602 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4702 - General Hydrogeology (4.0 cr)
ESCI 4401 - Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry (3.0 cr)
or ESCI 4701 - Geomorphology (4.0 cr)
or ESCI 4703 - Glacial Geology (4.0 cr)
16-17 additional ESCI credits with at least 9 credits at 4xxx or 5xxx.
ESCI 2302 - Petrology (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4501 - Structural Geology (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4801 - Geomicrobiology (3.0 cr)
ESCI 5302 - Isotope Geology (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4401 - Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry (3.0 cr)
or ESCI 4402 - Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean (3.0 cr)
11 additional ESCI credits with at least 9 credits at 4xxx or 5xxx.
Environmental Geology
ESCI 4401 - Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4402 - Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean (3.0 cr)
ESCI 4702 - General Hydrogeology (4.0 cr)
ESCI 4703 - Glacial Geology (4.0 cr)
or ESCI 4801 - Geomicrobiology (3.0 cr)
13-14 additional ESCI credits with at least 9 credits at 4xxx or 5xxx.
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MATH 1271 - Calculus I (MATH)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1271/1281/1371/1471/1571H
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Differential calculus of functions of a single variable, including polynomial, rational, exponential, and trig functions. Applications, including optimization and related rates problems. Single variable integral calculus, using anti-derivatives and simple substitution. Applications may include area, volume, work problems. prereq: 4 yrs high school math including trig or satisfactory score on placement test or grade of at least C- in [1151 or 1155]
MATH 1371 - CSE Calculus I (MATH)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1271/1281/1371/1471/1571H
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Differentiation of single-variable functions, basics of integration of single-variable functions. Applications: max-min, related rates, area, curve-sketching. Use of calculator, cooperative learning. prereq: CSE or pre-bioprod concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in biosys engn (PRE), background in [precalculus, geometry, visualization of functions/graphs], instr consent; familiarity with graphing calculators recommended
CHEM 1061 - Chemical Principles I (PHYS)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Chem 1061/ 1071/H/ 1081
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Atomic theory, periodic properties of elements. Thermochemistry, reaction stoichiometry. Behavior of gases, liquids, and solids. Molecular/ionic structure/bonding. Organic chemistry and polymers. energy sources, environmental issues related to energy use. Prereq-Grade of at least C- in [1011 or 1015] or [passing placement exam, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 1065]; intended for science or engineering majors; concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 1065; registration for 1065 must precede registration for 1061
CHEM 1065 - Chemical Principles I Laboratory (PHYS)
Credits: 1.0 [max 1.0]
Course Equivalencies: Chem 1065/Chem 1075H
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Basic laboratory skills while investigating physical and chemical phenomena closely linked to lecture material. Experimental design, data collection and treatment, discussion of errors, and proper treatment of hazardous wastes. prereq: concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 1061
CHEM 1071H - Honors Chemistry I (PHYS)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Chem 1061/ 1071/H/ 1081
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Advanced introduction to atomic theory. Periodic properties of elements. Behavior of gases, liquids, and solids. Molecular/ionic structure, bonding. Aspects of organic chemistry, spectroscopy, and polymers. Mathematically demanding quantitative problems. Writing for scientific journals. prereq: Honors student, permission of University Honors Program, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 1075H; registration for 1075H must precede registration for 1071H
CHEM 1075H - Honors Chemistry I Laboratory (PHYS)
Credits: 1.0 [max 1.0]
Course Equivalencies: Chem 1065/Chem 1075H
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Develop laboratory skills while investigating physical and chemical phenomena closely linked to lecture material. Experimental design, data collection and treatment, discussion of errors, and the proper treatment of hazardous wastes. prereq: prereq or coreq 1071H; honors student or permission of University Honors Program
PHYS 1301W - Introductory Physics for Science and Engineering I (PHYS, WI)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Phys 1201W/1301W/1401V/1501V
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Use of fundamental principles to solve quantitative problems. Motion, forces, conservation principles, structure of matter. Applications to mechanical systems. Prereq or Concurrent: MATH 1271/1371/1371H or equivalent
PHYS 1401V - Honors Physics I (PHYS, WI)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Phys 1201W/1301W/1401V/1501V
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall
Comprehensive, calculus-level general physics. Emphasizes use of fundamental principles to solve quantitative problems. Description of motion, forces, conservation principles. Structure of matter, with applications to mechanical systems. Prereq: Honors program or with permission, Prereq or Concurrent: MATH 1271/1371/1571H or equivalent
ESCI 2201 - Solid Earth Dynamics
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Dynamics of solid Earth, particularly tectonic system. Seismology, internal structure of Earth. Earth's gravity, magnetic fields. Paleomagnetism, global plate tectonics, tectonic systems. Field trip. prereq: concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in PHYS 1301 or instr consent
ESCI 2301 - Mineralogy
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Crystallography, crystal chemistry, physics. Physical/chemical properties, crystal structures, chemical equilibria of major mineral groups. Lab includes crystallographic, polarizing microscope, X-ray powder diffraction exercises, hand-specimen mineral identification. prereq: [concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1061, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1065, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in MATH 1271] or instr consent
MATH 1272 - Calculus II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1272/Math 1282/Math 1372/
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Techniques of integration. Calculus involving transcendental functions, polar coordinates. Taylor polynomials, vectors/curves in space, cylindrical/spherical coordinates. prereq: [1271 or equiv] with grade of at least C-
MATH 1372 - CSE Calculus II
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 1272/Math 1282/Math 1372/
Typically offered: Every Spring
Techniques of integration. Calculus involving transcendental functions, polar coordinates, Taylor polynomials, vectors/curves in space, cylindrical/spherical coordinates. Use of calculators, cooperative learning. prereq: Grade of at least C- in [1371 or equiv], CSE or pre-Bioprod/Biosys Engr
MATH 2243 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2243/Math 2373/Math 2574H
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Linear algebra: basis, dimension, matrices, eigenvalues/eigenvectors. Differential equations: first-order linear, separable; second-order linear with constant coefficients; linear systems with constant coefficients. prereq: [1272 or 1282 or 1372 or 1572] w/grade of at least C-
MATH 2263 - Multivariable Calculus
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2263/Math 2374/Math 2573H
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Derivative as linear map. Differential/integral calculus of functions of several variables, including change of coordinates using Jacobians. Line/surface integrals. Gauss, Green, Stokes Theorems. prereq: [1272 or 1372 or 1572] w/grade of at least C-
MATH 2373 - CSE Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2243/Math 2373/Math 2574H
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Linear algebra: basis, dimension, eigenvalues/eigenvectors. Differential equations: linear equations/systems, phase space, forcing/resonance, qualitative/numerical analysis of nonlinear systems, Laplace transforms. Use of computer technology. prereq: [1272 or 1282 or 1372 or 1572] w/grade of at least C-, CSE or pre-Bio Prod/Biosys Engr
MATH 2374 - CSE Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2263/Math 2374/Math 2573H
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Derivative as linear map. Differential/integral calculus of functions of several variables, including change of coordinates using Jacobians. Line/surface integrals. Gauss, Green, Stokes theorems. Use of computer technology. prereq: [1272 or 1282 or 1372 or 1572] w/grade of at least C-, CSE or pre-Bioprod/Biosys Engr
CHEM 1062 - Chemical Principles II (PHYS)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Chem 1062/1072/1072H/1082/
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Chemical kinetics. Radioactive decay. Chemical equilibrium. Solutions. Acids/bases. Solubility. Second law of thermodynamics. Electrochemistry/corrosion. Descriptive chemistry of elements. Coordination chemistry. Biochemistry. prereq: Grade of at least C- in 1061 or equiv, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 1066; registration for 1066 must precede registration for 1062
CHEM 1066 - Chemical Principles II Laboratory (PHYS)
Credits: 1.0 [max 1.0]
Course Equivalencies: Chem 1066/Chem 1076H
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Fall, Spring & Summer
Basic laboratory skills while investigating physical and chemical phenomena closely linked to lecture material. Experimental design, data collection and treatment, discussion of errors, and proper treatment of hazardous wastes. prereq: concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 1062
CHEM 1072H - Honors Chemistry II (PHYS)
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: Chem 1062/1072/1072H/1082/
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Advanced introduction. Chemical kinetics/reaction mechanisms, chemical/physical equilibria, acids/bases, entropy/second law of thermodynamics, electrochemistry/corrosion; descriptive chemistry of elements; coordination chemistry; biochemistry. prereq: 1071H, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 1076H, honors student, registration for 1076H must precede registration for 1072H
CHEM 1076H - Honors Chemistry II Laboratory (PHYS)
Credits: 1.0 [max 1.0]
Course Equivalencies: Chem 1066/Chem 1076H
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Develop laboratory skills as experiments become increasingly complex. Data collection/treatment, discussion of errors, proper treatment of hazardous wastes, experiment design. prereq: concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 1072H
PHYS 1302W - Introductory Physics for Science and Engineering II (PHYS, WI)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Phys 1202W/1302W/1402V/1502V
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Use of fundamental principles to solve quantitative problems. Motion, forces, conservation principles, fields, structure of matter. Applications to electromagnetic phenomena. Prereq: PHYS 1301 or equivalent, Prereq or Concurrent: MATH 1272/1372/1572H or equivalent
PHYS 1402V - Honors Physics II (PHYS, WI)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Phys 1202W/1302W/1402V/1502V
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Fundamental principles to solve quantitative problems. Description of motion, forces, conservation principles, fields. Structure of matter, with applications to electro-magnetic phenomena. Honors program or with permission, PHYS 1401V or equivalent, Prereq or CC: MATH 1272/1372/1572H or equivalent
ESCI 2202 - Earth History
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Big Bang cosmology, plate tectonics, evolution. Formation of Earth. Chemical evolution of Earth, atmosphere, and ocean. Origin/tectonic evolution of continents. Origin of life, its patterns/processes. Long-term interactions between geosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. prereq: [2201, 2301] or instr consent
ESCI 2203 - Earth Surface Dynamics
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Spring
Earth's surface processes, drivers, and implications. Interactions between atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
ESCI 3202 - Fluid Earth Dynamics
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Dynamics of fluid Earth, mainly surface processes and convection. prereq: concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in 2201
ESCI 3303W - Geochemical Principles (WI)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Origin of elements (nucleosynthesis, elemental abundances). Geochemical classifications. Isotopes (radioactive, stable). Phase equilibria. Models of Earth's geochemical evolution. Basic geochemical processes that produced Earth's lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere. prereq: [concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1061, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1065] or instr consent
ESCI 3891 - Field Methods
Credits: 2.0 [max 2.0]
Grading Basis: A-F only
Typically offered: Every Spring
Methods in geologic field mapping.
ESCI 3911 - Introductory Field Geology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Summer
Geologic mapping on topographic maps and aerial photos. Field identification of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Measurement of stratigraphic sections. Structural/geomorphic features. prereq: ESci 3891, instr consent
ESCI 4911 - Advanced Field Geology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Summer
Geologic mapping; study of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks; structures and surficial features; problem solving. Paper required. prereq: 3911, instr consent
ESCI 4971W - Field Hydrogeology (WI)
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Summer
Aquifer, vadoze zone, and surface water hydrology field techniques. Shallow soil boring, sampling. Well installation. Single/multiple well aquifer testing. Ground water sampling for chemical analysis. Weather data collection, hydrogeologic mapping, water balance calculation. prereq: instr consent
ESCI 2302 - Petrology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Magmatic and metamorphic processes, with an emphasis on plate tectonic interpretation of rock sequences. prereq: 2301 or instr consent
ESCI 4501 - Structural Geology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Fundamental concepts related to deformation of Earth's crust. Processes associated with deformation, faulting, folding, fabric development. Lab/recitation include solving problems, conducting physical/numerical experiments. Field trips.
ESCI 4602 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Interpretation of origin of sedimentary rocks through application of basic physical/chemical principles. Modern depositional environments, petrographic microscopy, basin dynamics, stratigraphy. prereq: [2301] or instr consent
ESCI 4702 - General Hydrogeology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Theory of groundwater geology, hydrologic cycle, watershed hydrology, Darcy's law, governing equations of groundwater motion, flow net analysis, analog models, groundwater resource evaluation/development. Applied analysis of steady and transient equations of groundwater motion and chemical transport. Chemistry of natural waters. prereq: [concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1062, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1066, MATH 1271, PHYS 1201] or instr consent
ESCI 4701 - Geomorphology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Origin, development, and continuing evolution of landforms in various environments. Environmental implications. Weathering, slope and shore processes, fluvial erosion and deposition, arid region processes, glacial processes. This course includes lecture and laboratory components, including field trips. Prereqs: MATH 1271 (Calculus I) or equivalent; PHYS 1301 (Physics I: Classical Mechanics) or equivalent. Instructor consent is required to take this course without the prerequisite courses or their equivalents, and it is recommended to take these classes at least concurrently (as co-requisites) with geomorphology. No help will be given on material covered in prerequisite courses.
ESCI 4703 - Glacial Geology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
Formation and characteristics of modern glaciers; erosional and depositional features of Pleistocene glaciers; history of quaternary environmental changes in glaciated and nonglaciated areas. Field trips and labs. prereq: 1001 or instr consent
ESCI 2302 - Petrology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Magmatic and metamorphic processes, with an emphasis on plate tectonic interpretation of rock sequences. prereq: 2301 or instr consent
ESCI 4501 - Structural Geology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Fundamental concepts related to deformation of Earth's crust. Processes associated with deformation, faulting, folding, fabric development. Lab/recitation include solving problems, conducting physical/numerical experiments. Field trips.
MATH 2374 - CSE Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Math 2263/Math 2374/Math 2573H
Typically offered: Every Fall & Spring
Derivative as linear map. Differential/integral calculus of functions of several variables, including change of coordinates using Jacobians. Line/surface integrals. Gauss, Green, Stokes theorems. Use of computer technology. prereq: [1272 or 1282 or 1372 or 1572] w/grade of at least C-, CSE or pre-Bioprod/Biosys Engr
PHYS 2303 - Physics III: Physics of Matter
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Phys 2303/2403H/2503/2503H
Typically offered: Every Spring
Thermodynamics, mechanical/electromagnetic waves, optics, quantum theory. Applications of quantum nature of solids. prereq: 1302, [MATH 1272 or MATH 1372 or MATH 1572H], [MatSci or EE] student
PHYS 2503 - Physics III: Intro to Waves, Optics, and Special Relativity
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Course Equivalencies: Phys 2303/2403H/2503/2503H
Typically offered: Every Fall
Third semester of introductory physics. Mechanical/electromagnetic waves, optics, special relativity. prereq: 1302W or equivalent
ESCI 4203 - Environmental Geophysics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ESci 4203/ESci 8203
Typically offered: Every Fall
Seismic exploration (reflection and refraction); potential techniques (gravity and magnetics) and electrical techniques of geophysical exploration. prereq: Phys 1301
ESCI 4204 - Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Fall
Present geomagnetic field at the Earth's surface, secular variation, geomagnetic field reversals. Physical and chemical basis of paleomagnetism: origin of natural remanent magnetization, mineralogy of magnetic minerals, magnetic polarity stratigraphy, apparent polar wander, and environmental magnetism. prereq: 2201, Phys 1302, Math 1272 or instr consent
ESCI 4212 - Geodynamics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ESci 4212/ESci 8212
Typically offered: Spring Odd Year
This course focuses on the dynamics of the solid Earth, particularly that of the lithosphere and the asthenosphere, probing further into the geodynamic problems that are introduced in ESCI 2201 through applications of continuum mechanics. Key continuum mechanics concepts to be examined include constitutive relations for different rheological classes (elastic, plastic, viscous, visco-elastic, visco-elasto-plastic), conservation laws (conservation of mass, momentum, and energy; continuity, force balance, and heat transfer), and simplifications and assumptions involved in their applications. Geodynamic problems to be discussed include plate cooling, lithospheric deformation, mantle convection, shear (viscous and frictional) heating, subduction, faulting, and their effects on the Earth?s thermochemical structures, geoid and topography, and the distributions of earthquakes and volcanism. Analytical solutions and numerical models of simple geodynamic problems are introduced, and recent applications of complex geodynamic models to explain geological, geophysical, and geochemical observations are discussed based on selected scientific journal articles. Graduate students are expected to present and lead paper discussions, and their performance will be graded and counted towards their participation. Instructor?s consent will be required if the following prerequisites are not met: ESCI 2201, MATH 1371 and 1372 (or equivalent), and PHYS 1301 and 1302 (or equivalent).
ESCI 5203 - Mineral and Rock Physics
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
Physical properties of minerals and rocks as related to the composition and dynamics of the Earth's crust, mantle, and core. prereq: 2201, Phys 1302
ESCI 4602 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Interpretation of origin of sedimentary rocks through application of basic physical/chemical principles. Modern depositional environments, petrographic microscopy, basin dynamics, stratigraphy. prereq: [2301] or instr consent
ESCI 4801 - Geomicrobiology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Geosphere/biosphere interactions over temporal/spatial scales. Global biogeochemical cycling, microbe-metal interactions, microbial paleobiology, environmental geomicrobiology, life detection, habitability of planets.
ESCI 5302 - Isotope Geology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Theory and uses of radioactive, radiogenic, and stable isotopes in geology. Radioactive dating, geothermometry, and tracer techniques in geologic processes. prereq: 3303W or instr consent
ESCI 4401 - Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ESci 4401/ESci 8401
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
General principles of solution chemistry applied to geology. Solution-mineral equilibria. Redox processes in natural waters. Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids. Environmental geochemistry.
ESCI 4402 - Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ESci 4402/ESci 8402
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Marine biogeochemistry and chemical oceanography. Processes controlling chemical composition of oceans past/present. Cycles of major/minor constituents, including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, and oxygen and their isotopes. Role of these cycles in climate system. prereq: [CHEM 1021, CHEM 1022] or instr consent
ESCI 4602 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Interpretation of origin of sedimentary rocks through application of basic physical/chemical principles. Modern depositional environments, petrographic microscopy, basin dynamics, stratigraphy. prereq: [2301] or instr consent
ESCI 4702 - General Hydrogeology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Theory of groundwater geology, hydrologic cycle, watershed hydrology, Darcy's law, governing equations of groundwater motion, flow net analysis, analog models, groundwater resource evaluation/development. Applied analysis of steady and transient equations of groundwater motion and chemical transport. Chemistry of natural waters. prereq: [concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1062, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1066, MATH 1271, PHYS 1201] or instr consent
ESCI 4401 - Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ESci 4401/ESci 8401
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
General principles of solution chemistry applied to geology. Solution-mineral equilibria. Redox processes in natural waters. Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids. Environmental geochemistry.
ESCI 4701 - Geomorphology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Origin, development, and continuing evolution of landforms in various environments. Environmental implications. Weathering, slope and shore processes, fluvial erosion and deposition, arid region processes, glacial processes. This course includes lecture and laboratory components, including field trips. Prereqs: MATH 1271 (Calculus I) or equivalent; PHYS 1301 (Physics I: Classical Mechanics) or equivalent. Instructor consent is required to take this course without the prerequisite courses or their equivalents, and it is recommended to take these classes at least concurrently (as co-requisites) with geomorphology. No help will be given on material covered in prerequisite courses.
ESCI 4703 - Glacial Geology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
Formation and characteristics of modern glaciers; erosional and depositional features of Pleistocene glaciers; history of quaternary environmental changes in glaciated and nonglaciated areas. Field trips and labs. prereq: 1001 or instr consent
ESCI 2302 - Petrology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Magmatic and metamorphic processes, with an emphasis on plate tectonic interpretation of rock sequences. prereq: 2301 or instr consent
ESCI 4501 - Structural Geology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Fall
Fundamental concepts related to deformation of Earth's crust. Processes associated with deformation, faulting, folding, fabric development. Lab/recitation include solving problems, conducting physical/numerical experiments. Field trips.
ESCI 4801 - Geomicrobiology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Geosphere/biosphere interactions over temporal/spatial scales. Global biogeochemical cycling, microbe-metal interactions, microbial paleobiology, environmental geomicrobiology, life detection, habitability of planets.
ESCI 5302 - Isotope Geology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Grading Basis: A-F or Aud
Typically offered: Every Fall
Theory and uses of radioactive, radiogenic, and stable isotopes in geology. Radioactive dating, geothermometry, and tracer techniques in geologic processes. prereq: 3303W or instr consent
ESCI 4401 - Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ESci 4401/ESci 8401
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
General principles of solution chemistry applied to geology. Solution-mineral equilibria. Redox processes in natural waters. Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids. Environmental geochemistry.
ESCI 4402 - Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ESci 4402/ESci 8402
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Marine biogeochemistry and chemical oceanography. Processes controlling chemical composition of oceans past/present. Cycles of major/minor constituents, including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, and oxygen and their isotopes. Role of these cycles in climate system. prereq: [CHEM 1021, CHEM 1022] or instr consent
ESCI 4401 - Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ESci 4401/ESci 8401
Typically offered: Periodic Spring
General principles of solution chemistry applied to geology. Solution-mineral equilibria. Redox processes in natural waters. Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids. Environmental geochemistry.
ESCI 4402 - Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Course Equivalencies: ESci 4402/ESci 8402
Typically offered: Spring Even Year
Marine biogeochemistry and chemical oceanography. Processes controlling chemical composition of oceans past/present. Cycles of major/minor constituents, including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, and oxygen and their isotopes. Role of these cycles in climate system. prereq: [CHEM 1021, CHEM 1022] or instr consent
ESCI 4702 - General Hydrogeology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Theory of groundwater geology, hydrologic cycle, watershed hydrology, Darcy's law, governing equations of groundwater motion, flow net analysis, analog models, groundwater resource evaluation/development. Applied analysis of steady and transient equations of groundwater motion and chemical transport. Chemistry of natural waters. prereq: [concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1062, concurrent registration is required (or allowed) in CHEM 1066, MATH 1271, PHYS 1201] or instr consent
ESCI 4703 - Glacial Geology
Credits: 4.0 [max 4.0]
Typically offered: Fall Odd Year
Formation and characteristics of modern glaciers; erosional and depositional features of Pleistocene glaciers; history of quaternary environmental changes in glaciated and nonglaciated areas. Field trips and labs. prereq: 1001 or instr consent
ESCI 4801 - Geomicrobiology
Credits: 3.0 [max 3.0]
Typically offered: Every Spring
Geosphere/biosphere interactions over temporal/spatial scales. Global biogeochemical cycling, microbe-metal interactions, microbial paleobiology, environmental geomicrobiology, life detection, habitability of planets.